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Make short work of your logs
Beaver comes ready to log to stdout
via shorthand beaver.Info
etc. usage.
However, Beaver can also create new standalone loggers with beaver.New
Beaver loggers can write to anything implementing the io.Writer
Option | Type | Effect |
TimePrefix | boolean | Prepends the date/time |
StackPrefix | boolean | Prepends the calling file/line |
StackLimit | integer | Amount of calling file to show, defaults to entire path |
LevelPrefix | boolean | Prepends a logging level prefix, e.g. [T] for Trace |
LevelColor | boolean | Colors the LevelPrefix if enabled |
MessageColor | boolean | Colors the message itself |
The default Console configuration is below
Colored messages convey the logging level while reducing the amount of space used for CLI applications
Option | Value |
TimePrefix | false |
StackPrefix | false |
StackLimit | 0 |
LevelPrefix | false |
LevelColor | false |
MessageColor | true |
Beaver allows you to customize the colors of various parts of the message
color. |
Default Format |
Trace | Bold, FgCyan |
Debug | Bold, FgBlue |
Info | Bold, FgGreen |
Warn | Bold, FgYellow |
Error | Bold, FgRed |
Fatal | Bold, BgRed |
Default | None |
Time | Default |
Stack | Default |
// Set Trace logging to Magenta instead of Bold-Cyan
color.Trace = color.New(color.FgMagenta)
More info for the color