``port`` - Shows the port that MCM is listening on.
``register`` - Allows a player to register for the web app.
``report`` - Runs a report on all entities in the world, for use with the MCM online report.
``/application <sub-command> <arg1>``
``/app <sub-command> <arg1>``
``search`` - Searches for matching applications. You can use partial names to search. If only one application is found, this command acts as though you are using ``info``.
``info`` - Gets specific information for a given application. Can be given a name or application ID.
``accept`` and ``deny`` only work with IDs. This is to verify the correct application is being acted on.
``accept`` - Accepts an application by ID.
``deny`` - Denies an application by ID.
``clear`` - Clears a denied application's status. This is to ensure that players cannot spam applications once denied.
``/rules`` - Shows the current rules defined in the plugin's config.yml
``/ticket <message>`` - Used to send in a help ticket.
``/warning <player> [<severity>] <message>`` - Gives a warning to a player. If [<severity>] is not one of "L", "M", or "H" it will be automatically set to "L".