Tweaks based on feedback
+ Combined mute commands into one command "alertmute"
+ By default, both mutes are set.
+ Grief and Ore strikes are now tracked even if a player has alerts muted
Added orealert_mute and griefalert_mute
+ Allows alerts generated by a user to be muted for a duration
+ Added PluginAPI as a dependency
+ Bumped version
+ Solves #8
Co-authored-by: Joey Hines <>
Reviewed-by: Etzelia <>
Merge branch 'master' into alert_range
Switch to camelCase
+ Too much not java programing
Added Y-Level filters to alerts
+ Useful to filter out fortuning or TNT used in Netherite Mining
+ Might be a good idea to expand this setting to be per world
Co-authored-by: Etzelia <>
Co-authored-by: Joey Hines <>
Reviewed-by: Etzelia <>
Add blocks within a tnt or bed's blast to the cache
+ If TNT or bed is used for mining, those blocks should be placed in the cache
+ Beds are only tracked in the nether
Co-authored-by: Joey Hines <>
Reviewed-by: Etzelia <>
Use UUID as key for map instead of player
+ Fixes issue where if a player re-logs, they get a new strike list.
Fixed ore vein tracking
+ All datasets are now thread safe
+ Blocks are checked if they are tracked before being put in the queue
+ Only tracked blocks are placed in the cache as well
Co-authored-by: Joey Hines <>