+ Model migration is handled in the DB modules
+ It involves writing an up and a down case
+ Both load and interact with the JSON directly
+ Done so it can be decoupled from models
+ Uses application commands from discord
+ Tried to follow a similar structure to how the API handles commands
+ Implements add_location, add_item, selling, and find
+ Needs a lot of work lol
+ clippy + fmt
+ Fixed long-standing issues with database tests. The DB is now guarded by a mutex to prevent tests running in parallel
+ Added .drone.yml to run tests on a PR and on a push
+ Tokens can be added by the add_token command or via the CLI
+ Tokens are checked for authorization before a command is run
+ Added an error message field to the GeoffreyApiResponse
+ Made tokens strings instead of u64s
+ Tokens are randomly generated 64 char long alphanumeric strings
+ Clippy + Fmt
+ Fixed issue where IDs of different models were colliding
+ Used built in methods to convert u64 to bytes
+ Added tests for database speed
+ Converted return time of filter to an iterator
+ Added better error handling for non-unique values