# Changelog ## 0.4.1 - Fixed `cssConflict` lint rule when classes apply the same properties but have different scopes (#134) - Fixed JS error when providing diagnostics in the case that IntelliSense is not enabled (#133) - Fixed config finder incorrectly determining that no config file can be found (#130) - Fixed class name completion tree when config is a symlink ## 0.4.0 - Added linting and quick fixes for both CSS and markup - Updated module resolution for compatibility with pnpm (#128) - The extension now ignores the `purge` option when extracting class names (#131) - Fixed hover offsets for class names which appear after interpolations ## 0.3.1 - Fixed class attribute completions not showing when using the following Pug syntax (#125): ``` div(class="") ``` - Fixed hover previews not showing when using a computed class attribute in Vue templates - Restore missing readme images - Update settings descriptions to use markdown ## 0.3.0 ### General - Added support for string values in Tailwind's `important` option (#96) - Removed all unnecessary logs (#91) - Added support for components in addition to utilities (#67) - Added description to custom variant completion items where possible - Config parsing errors are now displayed in the VS Code UI - Class names from `@tailwind base` are now included (by default `@tailwind base` does not include any class names but plugins may contribute them) - Color swatches can now be displayed for rules with multiple properties and/or colors with variable alpha (#113) - Added `tailwindCSS.includeLanguages` setting: ```json { "tailwindCSS.includeLanguages": { "plaintext": "html" } } ``` This setting allows you to add additional language support. The key of each entry is the new language ID and the value is any one of the extensions built-in languages, depending on how you want the new language to be treated (e.g. `html`, `css`, or `javascript`) ### HTML - Added built-in support for `liquid`, `aspnetcorerazor`, `mustache`, `HTML (EEx)`, `html-eex`, `gohtml`, `GoHTML`, and `hbs` languages - Added syntax definition to embedded stylesheets in HTML files ### CSS - Added built-in support for `sugarss` language - Added `theme` (and `config`) helper hovers - Added `@apply` class name hovers - Added directive completion items with links to documentation - Added `@tailwind` completion items (`preflight`/`base`, `utilities`, `components`, `screens`) with links to documentation - Helper completion items that contain the `.` character will now insert square brackets when selected - `@apply` completion list now excludes class names that are not compatible - Added CSS syntax highlighting in `.vue` files (#15) ### JS(X) - Completions now trigger when using backticks (#50, #93): ```js const App = () =>
**After:** Syntax highlighting after update