import './lib/env' import { CompletionItem, CompletionList, CompletionParams, Connection, createConnection, DocumentColorParams, ColorInformation, ColorPresentation, Hover, InitializeParams, InitializeResult, TextDocumentPositionParams, TextDocuments, TextDocumentSyncKind, ColorPresentationParams, CodeActionParams, CodeAction, CompletionRequest, DocumentColorRequest, BulkRegistration, CodeActionRequest, BulkUnregistration, HoverRequest, DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification, FileChangeType, Disposable, } from 'vscode-languageserver/node' import { TextDocument } from 'vscode-languageserver-textdocument' import { URI } from 'vscode-uri' import { formatError, showError, SilentError } from './util/error' import glob from 'fast-glob' import normalizePath from 'normalize-path' import * as path from 'path' import * as os from 'os' import * as fs from 'fs' import type * as chokidar from 'chokidar' import findUp from 'find-up' import minimatch from 'minimatch' import resolveFrom, { setPnpApi } from './util/resolveFrom' import { AtRule, Container, Node, Result } from 'postcss' import Module from 'module' import Hook from './lib/hook' import semver from 'semver' import dlv from 'dlv' import dset from 'dset' import pkgUp from 'pkg-up' import stackTrace from 'stack-trace' import extractClassNames from './lib/extractClassNames' import { klona } from 'klona/full' import { doHover } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/hoverProvider' import { doComplete, resolveCompletionItem, } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/completionProvider' import { State, FeatureFlags, Settings, ClassNames, } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/util/state' import { provideDiagnostics, updateAllDiagnostics, clearAllDiagnostics, } from './lsp/diagnosticsProvider' import { doCodeActions } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/codeActions/codeActionProvider' import { getDocumentColors } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/documentColorProvider' import { debounce } from 'debounce' import { getModuleDependencies } from './util/getModuleDependencies' import assert from 'assert' // import postcssLoadConfig from 'postcss-load-config' import * as parcel from './watcher/index.js' import { generateRules } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/util/jit' import { getColor } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/util/color' import * as culori from 'culori' import namedColors from 'color-name' import preflight from './lib/preflight' import tailwindPlugins from './lib/plugins' import isExcluded from './util/isExcluded' import { getFileFsPath, normalizeFileNameToFsPath } from './util/uri' import { equal } from 'tailwindcss-language-service/src/util/array' let oldReadFileSync = fs.readFileSync // @ts-ignore fs.readFileSync = function (filename, ...args) { if (filename === path.join(__dirname, 'css/preflight.css')) { return preflight } return oldReadFileSync(filename, ...args) } const CONFIG_FILE_GLOB = '{tailwind,tailwind.config}.{js,cjs}' const PACKAGE_GLOB = '{package.json,package-lock.json,yarn.lock,pnpm-lock.yaml}' const TRIGGER_CHARACTERS = [ // class attributes '"', "'", '`', // between class names ' ', // @apply and emmet-style '.', // config/theme helper '[', // JIT "important" prefix '!', // JIT opacity modifiers '/', ] as const const DEFAULT_FILES_EXCLUDE = ['**/.git/**', '**/.svn/**', '**/.hg/**', '**/node_modules/**'] const colorNames = Object.keys(namedColors) declare var __non_webpack_require__: typeof require const connection = process.argv.length <= 2 ? createConnection(process.stdin, process.stdout) : createConnection() console.log = connection.console.log.bind(connection.console) console.error = connection.console.error.bind(connection.console) process.on('unhandledRejection', (e: any) => { connection.console.error(formatError(`Unhandled exception`, e)) }) function deletePropertyPath(obj: any, path: string | string[]): void { if (typeof path === 'string') { path = path.split('.') } for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { obj = obj[path[i]] if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { return } } delete obj[path.pop()] } function getConfigId(configPath: string, configDependencies: string[]): string { return JSON.stringify( [configPath, ...configDependencies].map((file) => [file, fs.statSync(file).mtimeMs]) ) } function first(...options: Array<() => T>): T { for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { let option = options[i] if (i === options.length - 1) { return option() } else { try { return option() } catch (_) {} } } } function firstOptional(...options: Array<() => T>): T | undefined { for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { let option = options[i] try { return option() } catch (_) {} } } interface ProjectService { state: State tryInit: () => Promise dispose: () => void onUpdateSettings: (settings: any) => void onHover(params: TextDocumentPositionParams): Promise onCompletion(params: CompletionParams): Promise onCompletionResolve(item: CompletionItem): Promise provideDiagnostics(document: TextDocument): void onDocumentColor(params: DocumentColorParams): Promise onColorPresentation(params: ColorPresentationParams): Promise onCodeAction(params: CodeActionParams): Promise } function getMode(config: any): unknown { if (typeof config.mode !== 'undefined') { return config.mode } if (Array.isArray(config.presets)) { for (let i = config.presets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let mode = getMode(config.presets[i]) if (typeof mode !== 'undefined') { return mode } } } } function deleteMode(config: any): void { delete config.mode if (Array.isArray(config.presets)) { for (let preset of config.presets) { deleteMode(preset) } } } async function createProjectService( folder: string, connection: Connection, params: InitializeParams, documentService: DocumentService ): Promise { const disposables: Disposable[] = [] const documentSettingsCache: Map = new Map() async function getConfiguration(uri?: string) { if (documentSettingsCache.has(uri)) { return documentSettingsCache.get(uri) } let [editor, tailwindCSS] = await Promise.all([ connection.workspace.getConfiguration({ section: 'editor', scopeUri: uri, }), connection.workspace.getConfiguration({ section: 'tailwindCSS', scopeUri: uri, }), ]) let config: Settings = { editor, tailwindCSS } documentSettingsCache.set(uri, config) return config } const state: State = { enabled: false, editor: { connection, folder, globalSettings: await getConfiguration(), userLanguages: params.initializationOptions.userLanguages ? params.initializationOptions.userLanguages : {}, // TODO capabilities: { configuration: true, diagnosticRelatedInformation: true, }, documents: documentService.documents, getConfiguration, getDocumentSymbols: (uri: string) => { return connection.sendRequest('@/tailwindCSS/getDocumentSymbols', { uri }) }, }, } let registrations: Promise let chokidarWatcher: chokidar.FSWatcher let ignore = state.editor.globalSettings.tailwindCSS.files?.exclude ?? DEFAULT_FILES_EXCLUDE function onFileEvents(changes: Array<{ file: string; type: FileChangeType }>): void { let needsInit = false let needsRebuild = false for (let change of changes) { let file = normalizePath(change.file) for (let ignorePattern of ignore) { if (minimatch(file, ignorePattern, { dot: true })) { continue } } let isConfigFile = minimatch(file, `**/${CONFIG_FILE_GLOB}`, { dot: true }) let isPackageFile = minimatch(file, `**/${PACKAGE_GLOB}`, { dot: true }) let isDependency = state.dependencies && state.dependencies.includes(change.file) if (!isConfigFile && !isPackageFile && !isDependency) continue if (change.type === FileChangeType.Created) { needsInit = true break } else if (change.type === FileChangeType.Changed) { if (!state.enabled || isPackageFile) { needsInit = true break } else { needsRebuild = true } } else if (change.type === FileChangeType.Deleted) { if (!state.enabled || isPackageFile || isConfigFile) { needsInit = true break } else { needsRebuild = true } } } if (needsInit) { tryInit() } else if (needsRebuild) { tryRebuild() } } if (params.capabilities.workspace?.didChangeWatchedFiles?.dynamicRegistration) { connection.onDidChangeWatchedFiles(({ changes }) => { onFileEvents({ uri, type }) => ({ file: URI.parse(uri).fsPath, type, })) ) }) connection.client.register(DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification.type, { watchers: [{ globPattern: `**/${CONFIG_FILE_GLOB}` }, { globPattern: `**/${PACKAGE_GLOB}` }], }) } else if (parcel.getBinding()) { let typeMap = { create: FileChangeType.Created, update: FileChangeType.Changed, delete: FileChangeType.Deleted, } let subscription = await parcel.subscribe( folder, (err, events) => { onFileEvents( => ({ file: event.path, type: typeMap[event.type] }))) }, { ignore: => path.resolve(folder, ignorePattern.replace(/^[*/]+/, '').replace(/[*/]+$/, '')) ), } ) disposables.push({ dispose() { subscription.unsubscribe() }, }) } else { let watch: typeof = require('chokidar').watch chokidarWatcher = watch([`**/${CONFIG_FILE_GLOB}`, `**/${PACKAGE_GLOB}`], { cwd: folder, ignorePermissionErrors: true, ignoreInitial: true, ignored: ignore, awaitWriteFinish: { stabilityThreshold: 100, pollInterval: 20, }, }) await new Promise((resolve) => { chokidarWatcher.on('ready', () => resolve()) }) chokidarWatcher .on('add', (file) => onFileEvents([{ file, type: FileChangeType.Created }])) .on('change', (file) => onFileEvents([{ file, type: FileChangeType.Changed }])) .on('unlink', (file) => onFileEvents([{ file, type: FileChangeType.Deleted }])) disposables.push({ dispose() { chokidarWatcher.close() }, }) } function registerCapabilities(watchFiles: string[] = []): void { if (supportsDynamicRegistration(connection, params)) { if (registrations) { registrations.then((r) => r.dispose()) } let capabilities = BulkRegistration.create() capabilities.add(HoverRequest.type, { documentSelector: null, }) capabilities.add(DocumentColorRequest.type, { documentSelector: null, }) capabilities.add(CodeActionRequest.type, { documentSelector: null, }) capabilities.add(CompletionRequest.type, { documentSelector: null, resolveProvider: true, triggerCharacters: [...TRIGGER_CHARACTERS, state.separator], }) if (watchFiles.length > 0) { capabilities.add(DidChangeWatchedFilesNotification.type, { watchers: => ({ globPattern: file })), }) } registrations = connection.client.register(capabilities) } } function resetState(): void { clearAllDiagnostics(state) Object.keys(state).forEach((key) => { // Keep `dependencies` to ensure that they are still watched if (key !== 'editor' && key !== 'dependencies') { delete state[key] } }) state.enabled = false registerCapabilities(state.dependencies) } async function tryInit() { try { await init() } catch (error) { resetState() showError(connection, error) } } async function tryRebuild() { try { await rebuild() } catch (error) { resetState() showError(connection, error) } } function clearRequireCache(): void { Object.keys(__non_webpack_require__.cache).forEach((key) => { if (!key.endsWith('.node')) { delete __non_webpack_require__.cache[key] } }) Object.keys((Module as any)._pathCache).forEach((key) => { delete (Module as any)._pathCache[key] }) } async function init() { clearRequireCache() let [configPath] = ( await glob([`**/${CONFIG_FILE_GLOB}`], { cwd: folder, ignore: state.editor.globalSettings.tailwindCSS.files?.exclude ?? DEFAULT_FILES_EXCLUDE, onlyFiles: true, absolute: true, suppressErrors: true, dot: true, concurrency: Math.max(os.cpus().length, 1), }) ) .sort((a: string, b: string) => a.split('/').length - b.split('/').length) .map(path.normalize) if (!configPath) { throw new SilentError('No config file found.') } const pnpPath = findUp.sync( (dir) => { let pnpFile = path.join(dir, '.pnp.js') if (findUp.sync.exists(pnpFile)) { return pnpFile } pnpFile = path.join(dir, '.pnp.cjs') if (findUp.sync.exists(pnpFile)) { return pnpFile } if (dir === folder) { return findUp.stop } }, { cwd: folder } ) if (pnpPath) { let pnpApi = __non_webpack_require__(pnpPath) pnpApi.setup() setPnpApi(pnpApi) } const configDependencies = getModuleDependencies(configPath) const configId = getConfigId(configPath, configDependencies) const configDir = path.dirname(configPath) let tailwindcss: any let postcss: any let postcssSelectorParser: any let jitModules: typeof state.modules.jit let tailwindcssVersion: string | undefined let postcssVersion: string | undefined let pluginVersions: string | undefined let browserslist: string[] | undefined let resolveConfigFn: (config: any) => any let featureFlags: FeatureFlags = { future: [], experimental: [] } let applyComplexClasses: any try { const tailwindcssPath = resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss') const tailwindcssPkgPath = resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/package.json') const tailwindDir = path.dirname(tailwindcssPkgPath) const postcssPath = resolveFrom(tailwindDir, 'postcss') const postcssPkgPath = resolveFrom(tailwindDir, 'postcss/package.json') const postcssDir = path.dirname(postcssPkgPath) const postcssSelectorParserPath = resolveFrom(tailwindDir, 'postcss-selector-parser') postcssVersion = __non_webpack_require__(postcssPkgPath).version tailwindcssVersion = __non_webpack_require__(tailwindcssPkgPath).version pluginVersions = Object.keys(tailwindPlugins) .map((plugin) => { try { return __non_webpack_require__(resolveFrom(configDir, `${plugin}/package.json`)).version } catch (_) { return '' } }) .join(',') if ( state.enabled && postcssVersion === state.modules.postcss.version && tailwindcssVersion === state.modules.tailwindcss.version && pluginVersions === state.pluginVersions && configPath === state.configPath && configId === state.configId ) { return } console.log(`Found Tailwind CSS config file: ${configPath}`) postcss = __non_webpack_require__(postcssPath) postcssSelectorParser = __non_webpack_require__(postcssSelectorParserPath) console.log(`Loaded postcss v${postcssVersion}: ${postcssDir}`) tailwindcss = __non_webpack_require__(tailwindcssPath) console.log(`Loaded tailwindcss v${tailwindcssVersion}: ${tailwindDir}`) try { resolveConfigFn = __non_webpack_require__(resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './resolveConfig.js')) } catch (_) { try { const resolveConfig = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/util/resolveConfig.js') ) const defaultConfig = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './stubs/defaultConfig.stub.js') ) resolveConfigFn = (config) => resolveConfig([config, defaultConfig]) } catch (_) { try { const resolveConfig = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/util/mergeConfigWithDefaults.js') ) const defaultConfig = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './defaultConfig.js') ) resolveConfigFn = (config) => resolveConfig(config, defaultConfig()) } catch (_) { throw Error('Failed to load resolveConfig function.') } } } if (semver.gte(tailwindcssVersion, '1.4.0') && semver.lte(tailwindcssVersion, '1.99.0')) { const browserslistPath = resolveFrom(tailwindDir, 'browserslist') // TODO: set path to nearest dir with package.json? browserslist = __non_webpack_require__(browserslistPath)(undefined, { path: folder }) } if (semver.gte(tailwindcssVersion, '1.99.0')) { applyComplexClasses = firstOptional(() => __non_webpack_require__(resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/lib/substituteClassApplyAtRules')) ) } else if (semver.gte(tailwindcssVersion, '1.7.0')) { applyComplexClasses = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/flagged/applyComplexClasses') ) } try { featureFlags = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/featureFlags.js') ).default } catch (_) {} // stubs let tailwindDirectives = new Set() let root = postcss.root() let result = { opts: {}, messages: [] } let registerDependency = () => {} try { let createContext = first( () => { let createContextFn = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/lib/setupContextUtils') ).createContext assert.strictEqual(typeof createContextFn, 'function') return (state) => createContextFn(state.config) }, () => { let createContextFn = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/jit/lib/setupContextUtils') ).createContext assert.strictEqual(typeof createContextFn, 'function') return (state) => createContextFn(state.config) }, // TODO: the next two are canary releases only so can probably be removed () => { let setupTrackingContext = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/jit/lib/setupTrackingContext') ).default assert.strictEqual(typeof setupTrackingContext, 'function') return (state) => setupTrackingContext( state.configPath, tailwindDirectives, registerDependency )(result, root) }, () => { let setupContext = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/jit/lib/setupContext') ).default assert.strictEqual(typeof setupContext, 'function') return (state) => setupContext(state.configPath, tailwindDirectives)(result, root) } ) jitModules = { generateRules: { module: first( () => __non_webpack_require__(resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/lib/generateRules')) .generateRules, () => __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/jit/lib/generateRules') ).generateRules ), }, createContext: { module: createContext, }, expandApplyAtRules: { module: first( () => __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/lib/expandApplyAtRules') ).default, () => __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/lib/jit/lib/expandApplyAtRules') ).default ), }, } } catch (_) { try { let setupContext = __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/jit/lib/setupContext') ) jitModules = { generateRules: { module: __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/jit/lib/generateRules') ).generateRules, }, createContext: { module: (state) => setupContext(state.configPath, tailwindDirectives)(result, root), }, expandApplyAtRules: { module: __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(configDir, 'tailwindcss/jit/lib/expandApplyAtRules') ), }, } } catch (_) {} } } catch (error) { tailwindcss = require('tailwindcss') resolveConfigFn = require('tailwindcss/resolveConfig') postcss = require('postcss') tailwindcssVersion = require('tailwindcss/package.json').version postcssVersion = require('postcss/package.json').version postcssSelectorParser = require('postcss-selector-parser') jitModules = { generateRules: { module: require('tailwindcss/lib/lib/generateRules').generateRules }, createContext: { module: (state) => require('tailwindcss/lib/lib/setupContextUtils').createContext(state.config), }, expandApplyAtRules: { module: require('tailwindcss/lib/lib/expandApplyAtRules').default, }, } console.log('Failed to load workspace modules.') console.log(`Using bundled version of \`tailwindcss\`: v${tailwindcssVersion}`) console.log(`Using bundled version of \`postcss\`: v${postcssVersion}`) } state.configPath = configPath state.modules = { tailwindcss: { version: tailwindcssVersion, module: tailwindcss }, postcss: { version: postcssVersion, module: postcss }, postcssSelectorParser: { module: postcssSelectorParser }, resolveConfig: { module: resolveConfigFn }, jit: jitModules, } state.browserslist = browserslist state.featureFlags = featureFlags state.version = tailwindcssVersion state.pluginVersions = pluginVersions try { state.corePlugins = Object.keys( __non_webpack_require__( resolveFrom(path.dirname(state.configPath), 'tailwindcss/lib/plugins/index.js') ) ) } catch (_) {} if (applyComplexClasses && !applyComplexClasses.default.__patched) { let _applyComplexClasses = applyComplexClasses.default applyComplexClasses.default = (config, ...args) => { if (state.jit) { return state.modules.jit.expandApplyAtRules.module(state.jitContext) } let configClone = klona(config) configClone.separator = typeof state.separator === 'undefined' ? ':' : state.separator let fn = _applyComplexClasses(configClone, ...args) return async (css) => { css.walkRules((rule) => { const newSelector = rule.selector.replace(/__TWSEP__(.*?)__TWSEP__/g, '$1') if (newSelector !== rule.selector) { rule.before( postcss.comment({ text: '__ORIGINAL_SELECTOR__:' + rule.selector, }) ) rule.selector = newSelector } }) await fn(css) css.walkComments((comment) => { if (comment.text.startsWith('__ORIGINAL_SELECTOR__:')) { = comment.text.replace(/^__ORIGINAL_SELECTOR__:/, '') comment.remove() } }) return css } } applyComplexClasses.default.__patched = true } // state.postcssPlugins = { before: [], after: [] } // try { // let { plugins: postcssPlugins } = await postcssLoadConfig({ cwd: folder }, state.configPath) // let tailwindIndex = postcssPlugins.findIndex((p) => { // if (typeof p === 'function') { // return (p as any)().postcssPlugin === 'tailwindcss' // } // return (p as any).postcssPlugin === 'tailwindcss' // }) // console.log({ postcssPlugins }) // if (tailwindIndex !== -1) { // console.log('here') // state.postcssPlugins = { // before: postcssPlugins.slice(0, tailwindIndex), // after: postcssPlugins.slice(tailwindIndex + 1), // } // } // } catch (_error) { // console.log(_error) // } await tryRebuild() } async function rebuild() { clearRequireCache() const { tailwindcss, postcss, resolveConfig } = state.modules const sepLocation = semver.gte(tailwindcss.version, '0.99.0') ? ['separator'] : ['options', 'separator'] let presetVariants: any[] = [] let originalConfig: any let isV3 = semver.gte(tailwindcss.version, '2.99.0') let hook = new Hook(fs.realpathSync(state.configPath), (exports) => { originalConfig = klona(exports) let separator = dlv(exports, sepLocation) if (typeof separator !== 'string') { separator = ':' } dset(exports, sepLocation, `__TWSEP__${separator}__TWSEP__`) exports[isV3 ? 'content' : 'purge'] = [] let mode = getMode(exports) deleteMode(exports) let isJit = isV3 || (state.modules.jit && mode === 'jit') if (isJit) { state.jit = true exports.variants = [] if (Array.isArray(exports.presets)) { for (let preset of exports.presets) { presetVariants.push(preset.variants) preset.variants = [] } } } else { state.jit = false } if (state.corePlugins) { let corePluginsConfig = {} for (let pluginName of state.corePlugins) { corePluginsConfig[pluginName] = true } exports.corePlugins = corePluginsConfig } // inject JIT `matchUtilities` function if (Array.isArray(exports.plugins)) { exports.plugins = => { if (plugin.__isOptionsFunction) { plugin = plugin() } if (typeof plugin === 'function') { let newPlugin = (...args) => { if (!args[0].matchUtilities) { args[0].matchUtilities = () => {} } return plugin(...args) } // @ts-ignore newPlugin.__intellisense_cache_bust = Math.random() return newPlugin } if (plugin.handler) { return { ...plugin, handler: (...args) => { if (!args[0].matchUtilities) { args[0].matchUtilities = () => {} } return plugin.handler(...args) }, __intellisense_cache_bust: Math.random(), } } return plugin }) } return exports }) try { __non_webpack_require__(state.configPath) } catch (error) { hook.unhook() throw error } if (!originalConfig) { throw new SilentError(`Failed to load config file: ${state.configPath}`) } try { state.config = resolveConfig.module(originalConfig) state.separator = state.config.separator if (state.jit) { state.jitContext = state.modules.jit.createContext.module(state) state.jitContext.tailwindConfig.separator = state.config.separator if (state.jitContext.getClassList) { state.classList = state.jitContext .getClassList() .filter((className) => className !== '*') .map((className) => { return [className, { color: getColor(state, className) }] }) } } else { delete state.jitContext delete state.classList } } catch (error) { hook.unhook() throw error } let postcssResult: Result if (state.classList) { hook.unhook() } else { try { postcssResult = await postcss .module([ // => x()), tailwindcss.module(state.configPath), // => x()), ]) .process( [ semver.gte(tailwindcss.version, '0.99.0') ? 'base' : 'preflight', 'components', 'utilities', ] .map((x) => `/*__tw_intellisense_layer_${x}__*/\n@tailwind ${x};`) .join('\n'), { from: undefined, } ) } catch (error) { throw error } finally { hook.unhook() } } if (state.dependencies) { chokidarWatcher?.unwatch(state.dependencies) } state.dependencies = getModuleDependencies(state.configPath) chokidarWatcher?.add(state.dependencies) state.configId = getConfigId(state.configPath, state.dependencies) state.plugins = await getPlugins(originalConfig) if (postcssResult) { state.classNames = (await extractClassNames(postcssResult.root)) as ClassNames } state.variants = getVariants(state) let screens = dlv(state.config, 'theme.screens', dlv(state.config, 'screens', {})) state.screens = isObject(screens) ? Object.keys(screens) : [] state.enabled = true updateAllDiagnostics(state) registerCapabilities(state.dependencies) } return { state, tryInit, dispose() { for (let { dispose } of disposables) { dispose() } }, onUpdateSettings(settings: any): void { documentSettingsCache.clear() let previousExclude = state.editor.globalSettings.tailwindCSS.files?.exclude ?? DEFAULT_FILES_EXCLUDE state.editor.globalSettings = settings if (!equal(previousExclude, settings.tailwindCSS.files?.exclude ?? DEFAULT_FILES_EXCLUDE)) { tryInit() } else { if (state.enabled) { updateAllDiagnostics(state) } if (settings.editor.colorDecorators) { registerCapabilities(state.dependencies) } else { connection.sendNotification('@/tailwindCSS/clearColors') } } }, async onHover(params: TextDocumentPositionParams): Promise { if (!state.enabled) return null let document = documentService.getDocument(params.textDocument.uri) if (!document) return null if (await isExcluded(state, document)) return null return doHover(state, document, params.position) }, async onCompletion(params: CompletionParams): Promise { if (!state.enabled) return null let document = documentService.getDocument(params.textDocument.uri) if (!document) return null if (await isExcluded(state, document)) return null return doComplete(state, document, params.position, params.context) }, onCompletionResolve(item: CompletionItem): Promise { if (!state.enabled) return null return resolveCompletionItem(state, item) }, onCodeAction(params: CodeActionParams): Promise { if (!state.enabled) return null return doCodeActions(state, params) }, provideDiagnostics: debounce((document: TextDocument) => { if (!state.enabled) return provideDiagnostics(state, document) }, 500), async onDocumentColor(params: DocumentColorParams): Promise { if (!state.enabled) return [] let document = documentService.getDocument(params.textDocument.uri) if (!document) return [] if (await isExcluded(state, document)) return null return getDocumentColors(state, document) }, async onColorPresentation(params: ColorPresentationParams): Promise { let document = documentService.getDocument(params.textDocument.uri) let className = document.getText(params.range) let match = className.match( new RegExp(`-\\[(${colorNames.join('|')}|(?:(?:#|rgba?\\(|hsla?\\())[^\\]]+)\\]$`, 'i') ) // let match = className.match(/-\[((?:#|rgba?\(|hsla?\()[^\]]+)\]$/i) if (match === null) return [] let currentColor = match[1] let isNamedColor = colorNames.includes(currentColor) let color: culori.RgbColor = { mode: 'rgb', r:, g:, b:, alpha: params.color.alpha, } let hexValue = culori.formatHex8(color) if (!isNamedColor && (currentColor.length === 4 || currentColor.length === 5)) { let [, ...chars] = hexValue.match(/^#([a-f\d])\1([a-f\d])\2([a-f\d])\3(?:([a-f\d])\4)?$/i) ?? [] if (chars.length) { hexValue = `#${chars.filter(Boolean).join('')}` } } if (hexValue.length === 5) { hexValue = hexValue.replace(/f$/, '') } else if (hexValue.length === 9) { hexValue = hexValue.replace(/ff$/, '') } let prefix = className.substr(0, match.index) return [ hexValue, culori.formatRgb(color).replace(/ /g, ''), culori .formatHsl(color) .replace(/ /g, '') // round numbers .replace(/\d+\.\d+(%?)/g, (value, suffix) => `${Math.round(parseFloat(value))}${suffix}`), ].map((value) => ({ label: `${prefix}-[${value}]` })) }, } } function isObject(value: unknown): boolean { return === '[object Object]' } type SimplePlugin = (api: any) => {} type WrappedPlugin = { handler: (api: any) => {} } type Plugin = SimplePlugin | WrappedPlugin function runPlugin( plugin: Plugin, state: State, apiOverrides: Record = {} ): void { let config = state.config let postcss = state.modules.postcss.module let browserslist = state.browserslist const browserslistTarget = browserslist && browserslist.includes('ie 11') ? 'ie11' : 'relaxed' const pluginFn = typeof plugin === 'function' ? plugin : plugin.handler try { pluginFn({ addUtilities: () => {}, addComponents: () => {}, addBase: () => {}, matchUtilities: () => {}, addVariant: () => {}, e: (x) => x, prefix: (x) => x, theme: (path, defaultValue) => dlv(config, `theme.${path}`, defaultValue), variants: () => [], config: (path, defaultValue) => dlv(config, path, defaultValue), corePlugins: (path) => { if (Array.isArray(config.corePlugins)) { return config.corePlugins.includes(path) } return dlv(config, `corePlugins.${path}`, true) }, target: (path) => { if (typeof === 'string') { return === 'browserslist' ? browserslistTarget : } const [defaultTarget, targetOverrides] = dlv(config, 'target') const target = dlv(targetOverrides, path, defaultTarget) return target === 'browserslist' ? browserslistTarget : target }, postcss, ...apiOverrides, }) } catch (_) {} } function isAtRule(node: Node): node is AtRule { return node.type === 'atrule' } function getVariants(state: State): Record { if (state.jit) { function escape(className: string): string { let node = state.modules.postcssSelectorParser.module.className() node.value = className return dlv(node, 'raws.value', node.value) } let result = {} // [name, [sort, fn]] // [name, [[sort, fn]]] Array.from(state.jitContext.variantMap as Map).forEach( ([variantName, variantFnOrFns]) => { let fns = (Array.isArray(variantFnOrFns[0]) ? variantFnOrFns : [variantFnOrFns]).map( ([_sort, fn]) => fn ) let placeholder = '__variant_placeholder__' let root = state.modules.postcss.module.root({ nodes: [ state.modules.postcss.module.rule({ selector: `.${escape(placeholder)}`, nodes: [], }), ], }) let classNameParser = state.modules.postcssSelectorParser.module((selectors) => { return selectors.first.filter(({ type }) => type === 'class').pop().value }) function getClassNameFromSelector(selector) { return classNameParser.transformSync(selector) } function modifySelectors(modifierFunction) { root.each((rule) => { if (rule.type !== 'rule') { return } rule.selectors = => { return modifierFunction({ get className() { return getClassNameFromSelector(selector) }, selector, }) }) }) return root } let definitions = [] for (let fn of fns) { let definition: string let container = root.clone() let returnValue = fn({ container, separator: state.separator, modifySelectors, format: (def: string) => { definition = def.replace(/:merge\(([^)]+)\)/g, '$1') }, wrap: (rule: Container) => { if (isAtRule(rule)) { definition = `@${} ${rule.params}` } }, }) if (!definition) { definition = returnValue } if (definition) { definitions.push(definition) continue } container.walkDecls((decl) => { decl.remove() }) definition = container .toString() .replace(`.${escape(`${variantName}:${placeholder}`)}`, '&') .replace(/(? { runPlugin(plugin, state, { addVariant: (name) => { variants.push(name) }, }) }) return variants.reduce((obj, variant) => ({ ...obj, [variant]: null }), {}) } async function getPlugins(config: any) { let plugins = config.plugins if (!Array.isArray(plugins)) { return [] } return Promise.all( (plugin) => { let pluginConfig = plugin.config if (!isObject(pluginConfig)) { pluginConfig = {} } let contributes = { theme: isObject(pluginConfig.theme) ? Object.keys(pluginConfig.theme) : [], variants: isObject(pluginConfig.variants) ? Object.keys(pluginConfig.variants) : [], } const fn = plugin.handler || plugin const fnName = typeof === 'string' && !== 'handler' && !== '' ? : null try { fn() } catch (e) { const trace = stackTrace.parse(e) if (trace.length === 0) { return { name: fnName, } } const file = trace[0].fileName const dir = path.dirname(file) let pkgPath = pkgUp.sync({ cwd: dir }) if (!pkgPath) { return { name: fnName, } } let pkg: any try { pkg = __non_webpack_require__(pkg) } catch (_) { return { name: fnName, } } if ( && path.resolve(dir, pkg.main || 'index.js') === file) { return { name:, homepage: pkg.homepage, contributes, } } } return { name: fnName, } }) ) // try { // return reimport(resolveFrom(tailwindDir, './lib/corePlugins.js')) // return require('./lib/corePlugins.js', tailwindBase).default({ // corePlugins: resolvedConfig.corePlugins, // }) // } catch (_) { // return [] // } } class TW { private initialized = false private workspaces: Map private projects: Map private documentService: DocumentService public initializeParams: InitializeParams constructor(private connection: Connection) { this.documentService = new DocumentService(this.connection) this.workspaces = new Map() this.projects = new Map() } async init(): Promise { if (this.initialized) return this.initialized = true // TODO const workspaceFolders = false && Array.isArray(this.initializeParams.workspaceFolders) && this.initializeParams.capabilities.workspace?.workspaceFolders ? => ({ name:, fsPath: getFileFsPath(el.uri), })) : this.initializeParams.rootPath ? [{ name: '', fsPath: normalizeFileNameToFsPath(this.initializeParams.rootPath) }] : [] if (workspaceFolders.length === 0) { console.error('No workspace folders found, not initializing.') return } await Promise.all( (folder) => { return this.addProject(folder.fsPath, this.initializeParams) }) ) this.setupLSPHandlers() this.connection.onDidChangeConfiguration(async ({ settings }) => { for (let [, project] of this.projects) { project.onUpdateSettings(settings) } }) this.connection.onShutdown(() => { this.dispose() }) this.documentService.onDidChangeContent((change) => { // TODO const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] project?.provideDiagnostics(change.document) }) } private async addProject(folder: string, params: InitializeParams): Promise { if (this.projects.has(folder)) { await this.projects.get(folder).tryInit() } else { const project = await createProjectService( folder, this.connection, params, this.documentService ) await project.tryInit() this.projects.set(folder, project) } } private setupLSPHandlers() { this.connection.onHover(this.onHover.bind(this)) this.connection.onCompletion(this.onCompletion.bind(this)) this.connection.onCompletionResolve(this.onCompletionResolve.bind(this)) this.connection.onDocumentColor(this.onDocumentColor.bind(this)) this.connection.onColorPresentation(this.onColorPresentation.bind(this)) this.connection.onCodeAction(this.onCodeAction.bind(this)) } async onDocumentColor(params: DocumentColorParams): Promise { const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onDocumentColor(params) ?? [] } async onColorPresentation(params: ColorPresentationParams): Promise { const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onColorPresentation(params) ?? [] } async onHover(params: TextDocumentPositionParams): Promise { // TODO const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onHover(params) ?? null } async onCompletion(params: CompletionParams): Promise { // TODO const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onCompletion(params) ?? null } async onCompletionResolve(item: CompletionItem): Promise { // TODO const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onCompletionResolve(item) ?? null } onCodeAction(params: CodeActionParams): Promise { // TODO const project = Array.from(this.projects.values())[0] return project?.onCodeAction(params) ?? null } listen() { this.connection.listen() } dispose(): void { for (let [, project] of this.projects) { project.dispose() } } } class DocumentService { public documents: TextDocuments constructor(conn: Connection) { this.documents = new TextDocuments(TextDocument) this.documents.listen(conn) } getDocument(uri: string) { return this.documents.get(uri) } getAllDocuments() { return this.documents.all() } get onDidChangeContent() { return this.documents.onDidChangeContent } get onDidClose() { return this.documents.onDidClose } } function supportsDynamicRegistration(connection: Connection, params: InitializeParams): boolean { return ( connection.onInitialized && params.capabilities.textDocument.hover.dynamicRegistration && params.capabilities.textDocument.colorProvider.dynamicRegistration && params.capabilities.textDocument.codeAction.dynamicRegistration && params.capabilities.textDocument.completion.dynamicRegistration ) } const tw = new TW(connection) connection.onInitialize(async (params: InitializeParams): Promise => { tw.initializeParams = params if (supportsDynamicRegistration(connection, params)) { return { capabilities: { textDocumentSync: TextDocumentSyncKind.Full, }, } } tw.init() return { capabilities: { textDocumentSync: TextDocumentSyncKind.Full, hoverProvider: true, colorProvider: true, codeActionProvider: true, completionProvider: { resolveProvider: true, triggerCharacters: [...TRIGGER_CHARACTERS, ':'], }, }, } }) connection.onInitialized(async () => { await tw.init() }) tw.listen()