import { Settings, State } from './util/state' import type { CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, Range, MarkupKind, CompletionList, TextDocument, Position, CompletionContext, } from 'vscode-languageserver' import dlv from 'dlv' import removeMeta from './util/removeMeta' import { getColor, getColorFromValue } from './util/color' import { isHtmlContext } from './util/html' import { isCssContext } from './util/css' import { findLast, matchClassAttributes } from './util/find' import { stringifyConfigValue, stringifyCss } from './util/stringify' import { stringifyScreen, Screen } from './util/screens' import isObject from './util/isObject' import * as emmetHelper from 'vscode-emmet-helper-bundled' import { isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation } from './util/isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation' import { isJsDoc, isJsxContext } from './util/js' import { naturalExpand } from './util/naturalExpand' import * as semver from './util/semver' import { docsUrl } from './util/docsUrl' import { ensureArray } from './util/array' import { getClassAttributeLexer, getComputedClassAttributeLexer } from './util/lexers' import { validateApply } from './util/validateApply' import { flagEnabled } from './util/flagEnabled' import { remToPx } from './util/remToPx' import * as jit from './util/jit' import { getVariantsFromClassName } from './util/getVariantsFromClassName' import * as culori from 'culori' import Regex from 'becke-ch--regex--s0-0-v1--base--pl--lib' let isUtil = (className) => Array.isArray(className.__info) ? className.__info.some((x) => x.__source === 'utilities') : className.__info.__source === 'utilities' export function completionsFromClassList( state: State, classList: string, classListRange: Range, filter?: (item: CompletionItem) => boolean, document?: TextDocument, context?: CompletionContext ): CompletionList { let classNames = classList.split(/[\s+]/) const partialClassName = classNames[classNames.length - 1] let sep = state.separator let parts = partialClassName.split(sep) let subset: any let subsetKey: string[] = [] let isSubset: boolean = false let replacementRange = { ...classListRange, start: { ...classListRange.start, character: classListRange.end.character - partialClassName.length, }, } if (state.jit) { let { variants: existingVariants, offset } = getVariantsFromClassName(state, partialClassName) if ( context && (context.triggerKind === 1 || (context.triggerKind === 2 && context.triggerCharacter === '/')) && partialClassName.includes('/') ) { // modifiers let modifiers: string[] let beforeSlash = partialClassName.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') let classListContainsModifiers = state.classList.some( (cls) => Array.isArray(cls) && cls[1].modifiers ) if (classListContainsModifiers) { let baseClassName = beforeSlash.slice(offset) modifiers = state.classList.find( (cls) => Array.isArray(cls) && cls[0] === baseClassName )?.[1].modifiers } else { let testClass = beforeSlash + '/[0]' let { rules } = jit.generateRules(state, [testClass]) if (rules.length > 0) { let opacities = dlv(state.config, 'theme.opacity', {}) if (!isObject(opacities)) { opacities = {} } modifiers = Object.keys(opacities) } } if (modifiers) { return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items:, index) => { let className = `${beforeSlash}/${modifier}` let kind: CompletionItemKind = 21 let documentation: string | undefined const color = getColor(state, className) if (color !== null) { kind = 16 if (typeof color !== 'string' && (color.alpha ?? 1) !== 0) { documentation = culori.formatRgb(color) } } return { label: className, ...(documentation ? { documentation } : {}), kind, sortText: naturalExpand(index), } }), }, { range: replacementRange, data: state.completionItemData, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } } replacementRange.start.character += offset let important = partialClassName.substr(offset).startsWith('!') if (important) { replacementRange.start.character += 1 } let items: CompletionItem[] = [] if (!important) { let variantOrder = 0 function variantItem( item: Omit ): CompletionItem { return { kind: 9, data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'variant', }, command: item.insertTextFormat === 2 // Snippet ? undefined : { title: '', command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest', }, sortText: '-' + naturalExpand(variantOrder++), ...item, } } items.push( ...state.variants.flatMap((variant) => { let items: CompletionItem[] = [] if (variant.isArbitrary) { items.push( variantItem({ label: `${}${variant.hasDash ? '-' : ''}[]${sep}`, insertTextFormat: 2, textEditText: `${}${variant.hasDash ? '-' : ''}[\${1}]${sep}\${0}`, // command: { // title: '', // command: 'tailwindCSS.onInsertArbitraryVariantSnippet', // arguments: [, replacementRange], // }, }) ) } else if (!existingVariants.includes( { let shouldSortVariants = !semver.gte(state.version, '2.99.0') let resultingVariants = [...existingVariants,] if (shouldSortVariants) { let allVariants ={ name }) => name) resultingVariants = resultingVariants.sort( (a, b) => allVariants.indexOf(b) - allVariants.indexOf(a) ) } items.push( variantItem({ label: `${}${sep}`, detail: variant.selectors().join(', '), textEditText: resultingVariants[resultingVariants.length - 1] + sep, additionalTextEdits: shouldSortVariants && resultingVariants.length > 1 ? [ { newText: resultingVariants.slice(0, resultingVariants.length - 1).join(sep) + sep, range: { start: { ...classListRange.start, character: classListRange.end.character - partialClassName.length, }, end: { ...replacementRange.start, character: replacementRange.start.character, }, }, }, ] : [], }) ) } if (variant.values.length) { items.push( ...variant.values .filter((value) => !existingVariants.includes(`${}-${value}`)) .map((value) => variantItem({ label: value === 'DEFAULT' ? `${}${sep}` : `${}${variant.hasDash ? '-' : ''}${value}${sep}`, detail: variant.selectors({ value }).join(', '), }) ) ) } return items }) ) } if (state.classList) { return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: items.concat([className, { color }], index) => { let kind: CompletionItemKind = color ? 16 : 21 let documentation: string | undefined if (color && typeof color !== 'string') { documentation = culori.formatRgb(color) } return { label: className, kind, ...(documentation ? { documentation } : {}), sortText: naturalExpand(index, state.classList.length), } as CompletionItem }) ), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), ...(important ? { important } : {}), variants: existingVariants, }, range: replacementRange, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: items .concat( Object.keys(state.classNames.classNames) .filter((className) => { let item = state.classNames.classNames[className] if (existingVariants.length === 0) { return item.__info } return item.__info && isUtil(item) }) .map((className, index, classNames) => { let kind: CompletionItemKind = 21 let documentation: string | undefined const color = getColor(state, className) if (color !== null) { kind = 16 if (typeof color !== 'string' && (color.alpha ?? 1) !== 0) { documentation = culori.formatRgb(color) } } return { label: className, kind, ...(documentation ? { documentation } : {}), sortText: naturalExpand(index, classNames.length), } as CompletionItem }) ) .filter((item) => { if (item === null) { return false } if (filter && !filter(item)) { return false } return true }), }, { range: replacementRange, data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), variants: existingVariants, ...(important ? { important } : {}), }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } for (let i = parts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let keys = parts.slice(0, i).filter(Boolean) subset = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, keys) if (typeof subset !== 'undefined' && typeof dlv(subset, ['__info', '__rule']) === 'undefined') { isSubset = true subsetKey = keys replacementRange = { ...replacementRange, start: { ...replacementRange.start, character: replacementRange.start.character + keys.join(sep).length + sep.length, }, } break } } return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(isSubset ? subset : state.classNames.classNames) .filter((k) => k !== '__info') .filter((className) => isContextItem(state, [...subsetKey, className])) .map((className, index, classNames): CompletionItem => { return { label: className + sep, kind: 9, command: { title: '', command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest', }, sortText: '-' + naturalExpand(index, classNames.length), data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), className, variants: subsetKey, }, } }) .concat( Object.keys(isSubset ? subset : state.classNames.classNames) .filter((className) => dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [...subsetKey, className, '__info']) ) .map((className, index, classNames) => { let kind: CompletionItemKind = 21 let documentation: string | undefined const color = getColor(state, className) if (color !== null) { kind = 16 if (typeof color !== 'string' && (color.alpha ?? 1) !== 0) { documentation = culori.formatRgb(color) } } return { label: className, kind, ...(documentation ? { documentation } : {}), sortText: naturalExpand(index, classNames.length), } }) ) .filter((item) => { if (item === null) { return false } if (filter && !filter(item)) { return false } return true }), }, { range: replacementRange, data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), variants: subsetKey, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } async function provideClassAttributeCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position, context?: CompletionContext ): Promise { let str = document.getText({ start: document.positionAt(Math.max(0, document.offsetAt(position) - 1000)), end: position, }) let matches = matchClassAttributes( str, (await state.editor.getConfiguration(document.uri)).tailwindCSS.classAttributes ) if (matches.length === 0) { return null } let match = matches[matches.length - 1] const lexer = match[0][0] === ':' || (match[1].startsWith('[') && match[1].endsWith(']')) ? getComputedClassAttributeLexer() : getClassAttributeLexer() lexer.reset(str.substr(match.index + match[0].length - 1)) try { let tokens = Array.from(lexer) let last = tokens[tokens.length - 1] if (last.type.startsWith('start') || last.type === 'classlist' || last.type.startsWith('arb')) { let classList = '' for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tokens[i].type === 'classlist' || tokens[i].type.startsWith('arb')) { classList = tokens[i].value + classList } else { break } } return completionsFromClassList( state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }, undefined, document, context ) } } catch (_) {} return null } async function provideCustomClassNameCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): Promise { const settings = await state.editor.getConfiguration(document.uri) const regexes = settings.tailwindCSS.experimental.classRegex if (regexes.length === 0) return null const positionOffset = document.offsetAt(position) const searchRange: Range = { start: document.positionAt(Math.max(0, positionOffset - 1000)), end: document.positionAt(positionOffset + 1000), } let str = document.getText(searchRange) for (let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) { try { let [containerRegexString, classRegexString] = Array.isArray(regexes[i]) ? regexes[i] : [regexes[i]] let containerRegex = new Regex(containerRegexString, 'g') let containerMatch: ReturnType while ((containerMatch = containerRegex.exec(str)) !== null) { const searchStart = document.offsetAt(searchRange.start) const matchStart = searchStart + containerMatch.index[1] const matchEnd = matchStart + containerMatch[1].length const cursor = document.offsetAt(position) if (cursor >= matchStart && cursor <= matchEnd) { let classList: string if (classRegexString) { let classRegex = new Regex(classRegexString, 'g') let classMatch: ReturnType while ((classMatch = classRegex.exec(containerMatch[1])) !== null) { const classMatchStart = matchStart + classMatch.index[1] const classMatchEnd = classMatchStart + classMatch[1].length if (cursor >= classMatchStart && cursor <= classMatchEnd) { classList = classMatch[1].substr(0, cursor - classMatchStart) } } if (typeof classList === 'undefined') { throw Error() } } else { classList = containerMatch[1].substr(0, cursor - matchStart) } return completionsFromClassList(state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }) } } } catch (_) {} } return null } function provideAtApplyCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { let str = document.getText({ start: { line: Math.max(position.line - 30, 0), character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = findLast(/@apply\s+(?[^;}]*)$/gi, str) if (match === null) { return null } const classList = match.groups.classList return completionsFromClassList( state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }, (item) => { if (item.kind === 9) { return ( semver.gte(state.version, '2.0.0-alpha.1') || flagEnabled(state, 'applyComplexClasses') ) } let variants = ?? [] let className = ?? item.label let validated = validateApply(state, [...variants, className]) return validated !== null && validated.isApplyable === true } ) } const NUMBER_REGEX = /^(\d+\.?|\d*\.\d+)$/ function isNumber(str: string): boolean { return NUMBER_REGEX.test(str) } async function provideClassNameCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position, context?: CompletionContext ): Promise { if (isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return provideAtApplyCompletions(state, document, position) } if (isHtmlContext(state, document, position) || isJsxContext(state, document, position)) { return provideClassAttributeCompletions(state, document, position, context) } return null } function provideCssHelperCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, // read one extra character so we can see if it's a ] later end: { line: position.line, character: position.character + 1 }, }) const match = text .substr(0, text.length - 1) // don't include that extra character from earlier .match(/[\s:;/*(){}](?config|theme)\(\s*['"]?(?[^)'"]*)$/) if (match === null) { return null } let alpha: string let path = match.groups.path.replace(/^['"]+/g, '') let matches = path.match(/^([^\s]+)(?![^\[]*\])(?:\s*\/\s*([^\/\s]*))$/) if (matches) { path = matches[1] alpha = matches[2] } if (alpha !== undefined) { return null } let base = match.groups.helper === 'config' ? state.config : dlv(state.config, 'theme', {}) let parts = path.split(/([\[\].]+)/) let keys = parts.filter((_, i) => i % 2 === 0) let separators = parts.filter((_, i) => i % 2 !== 0) // let obj = // keys.length === 1 ? base : dlv(base, keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1), {}) // if (!isObject(obj)) return null function totalLength(arr: string[]): number { return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.length, 0) } let obj: any let offset: number = keys[keys.length - 1].length let separator: string = separators.length ? separators[separators.length - 1] : null if (keys.length === 1) { obj = base } else { for (let i = keys.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let o = dlv(base, keys.slice(0, i)) if (isObject(o)) { obj = o offset = totalLength(parts.slice(i * 2)) separator = separators[i - 1] break } } } if (!obj) return null let editRange = { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - offset, }, end: position, } return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(obj) .sort((a, z) => { let aIsNumber = isNumber(a) let zIsNumber = isNumber(z) if (aIsNumber && !zIsNumber) { return -1 } if (!aIsNumber && zIsNumber) { return 1 } if (aIsNumber && zIsNumber) { return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(z) } return 0 }) .map((item, index, items) => { let color = getColorFromValue(obj[item]) const replaceDot: boolean = item.indexOf('.') !== -1 && separator && separator.endsWith('.') const insertClosingBrace: boolean = text.charAt(text.length - 1) !== ']' && (replaceDot || (separator && separator.endsWith('['))) const detail = stringifyConfigValue(obj[item]) return { label: item, sortText: naturalExpand(index, items.length), commitCharacters: [!item.includes('.') && '.', !item.includes('[') && '['].filter( Boolean ), kind: color ? 16 : isObject(obj[item]) ? 9 : 10, // VS Code bug causes some values to not display in some cases detail: detail === '0' || detail === 'transparent' ? `${detail} ` : detail, ...(color && typeof color !== 'string' && (color.alpha ?? 1) !== 0 ? { documentation: culori.formatRgb(color) } : {}), ...(insertClosingBrace ? { textEditText: `${item}]` } : {}), additionalTextEdits: replaceDot ? [ { newText: '[', range: { start: { ...editRange.start, character: editRange.start.character - 1, }, end: editRange.start, }, }, ] : [], } }), }, { range: editRange, data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'helper', }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } function provideTailwindDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@tailwind\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null let items = [ semver.gte(state.version, '1.0.0-beta.1') ? { label: 'base', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s base styles and any base styles registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, } : { label: 'preflight', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s base styles, which is a combination of Normalize.css and some additional base styles.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: 'components', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s component classes and any component classes registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: 'utilities', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s utility classes and any utility classes registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, state.jit && semver.gte(state.version, '2.1.99') ? { label: 'variants', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use this directive to control where Tailwind injects the utility variants.\n\nThis directive is considered an advanced escape hatch and it is recommended to omit it whenever possible. If omitted, Tailwind will append these classes to the very end of your stylesheet by default.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'just-in-time-mode#variants-are-inserted-at-tailwind-variants' )})`, }, } : { label: 'screens', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use this directive to control where Tailwind injects the responsive variations of each utility.\n\nIf omitted, Tailwind will append these classes to the very end of your stylesheet by default.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, ] return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: => ({ ...item, kind: 21, })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: '@tailwind', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } function provideVariantsDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } if (semver.gte(state.version, '2.99.0')) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@variants\s+(?[^}]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const parts = match.groups.partial.split(/\s*,\s*/) if (/\s+/.test(parts[parts.length - 1])) return null let possibleVariants = state.variants.flatMap((variant) => { if (variant.values.length) { return => value === 'DEFAULT' ? : `${}${variant.hasDash ? '-' : ''}${value}` ) } return [] }) const existingVariants = parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1) if (state.jit) { possibleVariants.unshift('responsive') possibleVariants = possibleVariants.filter((v) => !state.screens.includes(v)) } return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: possibleVariants .filter((v) => existingVariants.indexOf(v) === -1) .map((variant, index, variants) => ({ // TODO: detail label: variant, kind: 21, sortText: naturalExpand(index, variants.length), })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'variant', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - parts[parts.length - 1].length, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } function provideLayerDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@layer\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: ['base', 'components', 'utilities'].map((layer, index, layers) => ({ label: layer, kind: 21, sortText: naturalExpand(index, layers.length), })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'layer', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } function withDefaults( completionList: CompletionList, defaults: Partial<{ data: any; range: Range }>, supportedDefaults: string[] ): CompletionList { let defaultData = supportedDefaults.includes('data') let defaultRange = supportedDefaults.includes('editRange') return { ...completionList, ...(defaultData || defaultRange ? { itemDefaults: { ...(defaultData && ? { data: } : {}), ...(defaultRange && defaults.range ? { editRange: defaults.range } : {}), }, } : {}), items: defaultData && defaultRange ? completionList.items :{ textEditText, ...item }) => ({ ...item, ...(defaultData || ! || ? {} : { data: }), ...(defaultRange || !defaults.range ? textEditText ? { textEditText } : {} : { textEdit: { newText: textEditText ?? item.label, range: defaults.range, }, }), })), } } function provideScreenDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@screen\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const screens = dlv(state.config, ['screens'], dlv(state.config, ['theme', 'screens'], {})) if (!isObject(screens)) return null return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(screens).map((screen, index) => ({ label: screen, kind: 21, sortText: naturalExpand(index), })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'screen', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } function provideCssDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@(?[a-z]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const items: CompletionItem[] = [ { label: '@tailwind', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use the \`@tailwind\` directive to insert Tailwind’s \`base\`, \`components\`, \`utilities\` and \`${ state.jit && semver.gte(state.version, '2.1.99') ? 'variants' : 'screens' }\` styles into your CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: '@screen', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `The \`@screen\` directive allows you to create media queries that reference your breakpoints by name instead of duplicating their values in your own CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#screen' )})`, }, }, { label: '@apply', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use \`@apply\` to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#apply' )})`, }, }, ...(semver.gte(state.version, '1.8.0') ? [ { label: '@layer', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use the \`@layer\` directive to tell Tailwind which "bucket" a set of custom styles belong to. Valid layers are \`base\`, \`components\`, and \`utilities\`.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#layer' )})`, }, }, ] : []), ...(semver.gte(state.version, '2.99.0') ? [] : [ { label: '@variants', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `You can generate \`responsive\`, \`hover\`, \`focus\`, \`active\`, and other variants of your own utilities by wrapping their definitions in the \`@variants\` directive.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#variants' )})`, }, }, { label: '@responsive', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `You can generate responsive variants of your own classes by wrapping their definitions in the \`@responsive\` directive.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#responsive' )})`, }, }, ]), ...(semver.gte(state.version, '3.2.0') ? [ { label: '@config', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use the \`@config\` directive to specify which config file Tailwind should use when compiling that CSS file.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#config' )})`, }, }, ] : []), ] return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: => ({ ...item, kind: 14, })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'directive', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length - 1, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } async function provideConfigDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): Promise { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } if (!semver.gte(state.version, '3.2.0')) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position }) let match = text.match(/@config\s*(?'[^']*|"[^"]*)$/) if (!match) { return null } let partial = match.groups.partial.slice(1) // remove quote let valueBeforeLastSlash = partial.substring(0, partial.lastIndexOf('/')) let valueAfterLastSlash = partial.substring(partial.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) return withDefaults( { isIncomplete: false, items: (await state.editor.readDirectory(document, valueBeforeLastSlash || '.')) .filter(([name, type]) => type.isDirectory || /\.c?js$/.test(name)) .map(([name, type]) => ({ label: type.isDirectory ? name + '/' : name, kind: type.isDirectory ? 19 : 17, command: type.isDirectory ? { command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest', title: '' } : undefined, })), }, { data: { ...(state.completionItemData ?? {}), _type: 'filesystem', }, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - valueAfterLastSlash.length, }, end: position, }, }, state.editor.capabilities.itemDefaults ) } async function provideEmmetCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): Promise { let settings = await state.editor.getConfiguration(document.uri) if (settings.tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions !== true) return null const isHtml = !isJsDoc(state, document) && isHtmlContext(state, document, position) const isJs = isJsDoc(state, document) || isJsxContext(state, document, position) const syntax = isHtml ? 'html' : isJs ? 'jsx' : null if (syntax === null) { return null } const extractAbbreviationResults = emmetHelper.extractAbbreviation(document, position, true) if ( !extractAbbreviationResults || !emmetHelper.isAbbreviationValid(syntax, extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation) ) { return null } if ( !isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation(document, extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviationRange) ) { return null } if (isJs) { const abbreviation: string = extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation if (abbreviation.startsWith('this.')) { return null } const symbols = await state.editor.getDocumentSymbols(document.uri) if ( symbols && symbols.find( (symbol) => abbreviation === || (abbreviation.startsWith( + '.') && !/>|\*|\+/.test(abbreviation)) ) ) { return null } } const emmetItems = emmetHelper.doComplete(document, position, syntax, {}) if (!emmetItems || !emmetItems.items || emmetItems.items.length !== 1) { return null } // if (emmetItems.items[0].label === 'widows: ;') { return null } const parts = emmetItems.items[0].label.split('.') if (parts.length < 2) return null return completionsFromClassList(state, parts[parts.length - 1], { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - parts[parts.length - 1].length, }, end: position, }) } export async function doComplete( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position, context?: CompletionContext ) { if (state === null) return { items: [], isIncomplete: false } const result = (await provideClassNameCompletions(state, document, position, context)) || provideCssHelperCompletions(state, document, position) || provideCssDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideScreenDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideVariantsDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideTailwindDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideLayerDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || (await provideConfigDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position)) || (await provideCustomClassNameCompletions(state, document, position)) if (result) return result return provideEmmetCompletions(state, document, position) } export async function resolveCompletionItem( state: State, item: CompletionItem ): Promise { if ( ['helper', 'directive', 'variant', 'layer', '@tailwind', 'filesystem'].includes( ) ) { return item } if ( === 'screen') { let screens = dlv(state.config, ['theme', 'screens'], dlv(state.config, ['screens'], {})) if (!isObject(screens)) screens = {} item.detail = stringifyScreen(screens[item.label] as Screen) return item } let className = ?? item.label if ( { className = `!${className}` } let variants = ?? [] if (state.jit) { if (item.kind === 9) return item if (item.detail && item.documentation) return item let { root, rules } = jit.generateRules(state, [[...variants, className].join(state.separator)]) if (rules.length === 0) return item if (!item.detail) { if (rules.length === 1) { item.detail = await jit.stringifyDecls(state, rules[0]) } else { item.detail = `${rules.length} rules` } } if (!item.documentation) { item.documentation = { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: ['```css', await jit.stringifyRoot(state, root), '```'].join('\n'), } } return item } const rules = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [...variants, className, '__info']) if (item.kind === 9) { item.detail = state.classNames.context[className].join(', ') } else { item.detail = await getCssDetail(state, rules) if (!item.documentation) { const settings = await state.editor.getConfiguration() const css = stringifyCss([...variants, className].join(':'), rules, settings) if (css) { item.documentation = { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: ['```css', css, '```'].join('\n'), } } } } return item } function isContextItem(state: State, keys: string[]): boolean { const item = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [keys]) if (!isObject(item)) { return false } if (!state.classNames.context[keys[keys.length - 1]]) { return false } if (Object.keys(item).filter((x) => x !== '__info').length > 0) { return true } return isObject(item.__info) && !item.__info.__rule } function stringifyDecls(obj: any, settings: Settings): string { let props = Object.keys(obj) let nonCustomProps = props.filter((prop) => !prop.startsWith('--')) if (props.length !== nonCustomProps.length && nonCustomProps.length !== 0) { props = nonCustomProps } return props .map((prop) => ensureArray(obj[prop]) .map((value) => { const px = settings.tailwindCSS.showPixelEquivalents ? remToPx(value, settings.tailwindCSS.rootFontSize) : undefined return `${prop}: ${value}${px ? `/* ${px} */` : ''};` }) .join(' ') ) .join(' ') } async function getCssDetail(state: State, className: any): Promise { if (Array.isArray(className)) { return `${className.length} rules` } if (className.__rule === true) { const settings = await state.editor.getConfiguration() return stringifyDecls(removeMeta(className), settings) } return null }