import { State } from './util/state' import type { CompletionItem, CompletionItemKind, Range, MarkupKind, CompletionList, TextDocument, Position, } from 'vscode-languageserver' const dlv = require('dlv') import removeMeta from './util/removeMeta' import { getColor, getColorFromValue } from './util/color' import { isHtmlContext } from './util/html' import { isCssContext } from './util/css' import { findLast } from './util/find' import { stringifyConfigValue, stringifyCss } from './util/stringify' import { stringifyScreen, Screen } from './util/screens' import isObject from './util/isObject' import * as emmetHelper from 'vscode-emmet-helper-bundled' import { isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation } from './util/isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation' import { getDocumentSettings } from './util/getDocumentSettings' import { isJsContext } from './util/js' import { naturalExpand } from './util/naturalExpand' import semver from 'semver' import { docsUrl } from './util/docsUrl' import { ensureArray } from './util/array' import { getClassAttributeLexer, getComputedClassAttributeLexer, } from './util/lexers' import { validateApply } from './util/validateApply' import { flagEnabled } from './util/flagEnabled' import { remToPx } from './util/remToPx' import { createMultiRegexp } from './util/createMultiRegexp' export function completionsFromClassList( state: State, classList: string, classListRange: Range, filter?: (item: CompletionItem) => boolean ): CompletionList { let classNames = classList.split(/[\s+]/) const partialClassName = classNames[classNames.length - 1] let sep = state.separator let parts = partialClassName.split(sep) let subset: any let subsetKey: string[] = [] let isSubset: boolean = false let replacementRange = { ...classListRange, start: { ...classListRange.start, character: classListRange.end.character - partialClassName.length, }, } for (let i = parts.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let keys = parts.slice(0, i).filter(Boolean) subset = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, keys) if ( typeof subset !== 'undefined' && typeof dlv(subset, ['__info', '__rule']) === 'undefined' ) { isSubset = true subsetKey = keys replacementRange = { ...replacementRange, start: { ...replacementRange.start, character: replacementRange.start.character + keys.join(sep).length + sep.length, }, } break } } return { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(isSubset ? subset : state.classNames.classNames) .filter((k) => k !== '__info') .filter((className) => isContextItem(state, [...subsetKey, className])) .map( (className, index): CompletionItem => { return { label: className + sep, kind: 9, documentation: null, command: { title: '', command: 'editor.action.triggerSuggest', }, sortText: '-' + naturalExpand(index), data: [...subsetKey, className], textEdit: { newText: className + sep, range: replacementRange, }, } } ) .concat( Object.keys(isSubset ? subset : state.classNames.classNames) .filter((className) => dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [ ...subsetKey, className, '__info', ]) ) .map((className, index) => { let kind: CompletionItemKind = 21 let documentation: string = null const color = getColor(state, [className]) if (color !== null) { kind = 16 if (typeof color !== 'string' && color.a !== 0) { documentation = color.toRgbString() } } return { label: className, kind, documentation, sortText: naturalExpand(index), data: [...subsetKey, className], textEdit: { newText: className, range: replacementRange, }, } }) ) .filter((item) => { if (item === null) { return false } if (filter && !filter(item)) { return false } return true }), } } function provideClassAttributeCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { let str = document.getText({ start: { line: Math.max(position.line - 10, 0), character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = findLast( /(?:\s|:|\()(?:class(?:Name)?|\[ngClass\])=['"`{]/gi, str ) if (match === null) { return null } const lexer = match[0][0] === ':' || match[0].trim().startsWith('[ngClass]') ? getComputedClassAttributeLexer() : getClassAttributeLexer() lexer.reset(str.substr(match.index + match[0].length - 1)) try { let tokens = Array.from(lexer) let last = tokens[tokens.length - 1] if (last.type.startsWith('start') || last.type === 'classlist') { let classList = '' for (let i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tokens[i].type === 'classlist') { classList = tokens[i].value + classList } else { break } } return completionsFromClassList(state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }) } } catch (_) {} return null } async function provideCustomClassNameCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): Promise { const settings = await getDocumentSettings(state, document) const regexes = dlv(settings, 'experimental.classRegex', []) if (regexes.length === 0) return null const positionOffset = document.offsetAt(position) const searchRange: Range = { start: document.positionAt(Math.max(0, positionOffset - 500)), end: document.positionAt(positionOffset + 500), } let str = document.getText(searchRange) for (let i = 0; i < regexes.length; i++) { try { let [containerRegex, classRegex] = Array.isArray(regexes[i]) ? regexes[i] : [regexes[i]] containerRegex = createMultiRegexp(containerRegex) let containerMatch while ((containerMatch = containerRegex.exec(str)) !== null) { const searchStart = document.offsetAt(searchRange.start) const matchStart = searchStart + containerMatch.start const matchEnd = searchStart + containerMatch.end const cursor = document.offsetAt(position) if (cursor >= matchStart && cursor <= matchEnd) { let classList if (classRegex) { classRegex = createMultiRegexp(classRegex) let classMatch while ( (classMatch = classRegex.exec(containerMatch.match)) !== null ) { const classMatchStart = matchStart + classMatch.start const classMatchEnd = matchStart + classMatch.end if (cursor >= classMatchStart && cursor <= classMatchEnd) { classList = classMatch.match.substr(0, cursor - classMatchStart) } } if (typeof classList === 'undefined') { throw Error() } } else { classList = containerMatch.match.substr(0, cursor - matchStart) } return completionsFromClassList(state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }) } } } catch (_) {} } return null } function provideAtApplyCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { let str = document.getText({ start: { line: Math.max(position.line - 30, 0), character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = findLast(/@apply\s+(?[^;}]*)$/gi, str) if (match === null) { return null } const classList = match.groups.classList return completionsFromClassList( state, classList, { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - classList.length, }, end: position, }, (item) => { if (item.kind === 9) { return ( semver.gte(state.version, '2.0.0-alpha.1') || flagEnabled(state, 'applyComplexClasses') ) } let validated = validateApply(state, return validated !== null && validated.isApplyable === true } ) } function provideClassNameCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if ( isHtmlContext(state, document, position) || isJsContext(state, document, position) ) { return provideClassAttributeCompletions(state, document, position) } if (isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return provideAtApplyCompletions(state, document, position) } return null } function provideCssHelperCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, // read one extra character so we can see if it's a ] later end: { line: position.line, character: position.character + 1 }, }) const match = text .substr(0, text.length - 1) // don't include that extra character from earlier .match(/\b(?config|theme)\(['"](?[^'"]*)$/) if (match === null) { return null } let base = match.groups.helper === 'config' ? state.config : dlv(state.config, 'theme', {}) let parts = match.groups.keys.split(/([\[\].]+)/) let keys = parts.filter((_, i) => i % 2 === 0) let separators = parts.filter((_, i) => i % 2 !== 0) // let obj = // keys.length === 1 ? base : dlv(base, keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1), {}) // if (!isObject(obj)) return null function totalLength(arr: string[]): number { return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur.length, 0) } let obj: any let offset: number = 0 let separator: string = separators.length ? separators[separators.length - 1] : null if (keys.length === 1) { obj = base } else { for (let i = keys.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { let o = dlv(base, keys.slice(0, i)) if (isObject(o)) { obj = o offset = totalLength(parts.slice(i * 2)) separator = separators[i - 1] break } } } if (!obj) return null return { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(obj).map((item, index) => { let color = getColorFromValue(obj[item]) const replaceDot: boolean = item.indexOf('.') !== -1 && separator && separator.endsWith('.') const insertClosingBrace: boolean = text.charAt(text.length - 1) !== ']' && (replaceDot || (separator && separator.endsWith('['))) const detail = stringifyConfigValue(obj[item]) return { label: item, filterText: `${replaceDot ? '.' : ''}${item}`, sortText: naturalExpand(index), kind: color ? 16 : isObject(obj[item]) ? 9 : 10, // VS Code bug causes '0' to not display in some cases detail: detail === '0' ? '0 ' : detail, documentation: color, textEdit: { newText: `${replaceDot ? '[' : ''}${item}${ insertClosingBrace ? ']' : '' }`, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - keys[keys.length - 1].length - (replaceDot ? 1 : 0) - offset, }, end: position, }, }, data: 'helper', } }), } } // TODO: vary docs links based on Tailwind version function provideTailwindDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@tailwind\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null return { isIncomplete: false, items: [ semver.gte(state.version, '1.0.0-beta.1') ? { label: 'base', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s base styles and any base styles registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, } : { label: 'preflight', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s base styles, which is a combination of Normalize.css and some additional base styles.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: 'components', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s component classes and any component classes registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: 'utilities', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `This injects Tailwind’s utility classes and any utility classes registered by plugins.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: 'screens', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use this directive to control where Tailwind injects the responsive variations of each utility.\n\nIf omitted, Tailwind will append these classes to the very end of your stylesheet by default.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, ].map((item) => ({ ...item, kind: 21, data: '@tailwind', textEdit: { newText: item.label, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, })), } } function provideVariantsDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@variants\s+(?[^}]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const parts = match.groups.partial.split(/\s*,\s*/) if (/\s+/.test(parts[parts.length - 1])) return null const existingVariants = parts.slice(0, parts.length - 1) return { isIncomplete: false, items: state.variants .filter((v) => existingVariants.indexOf(v) === -1) .map((variant) => ({ // TODO: detail label: variant, kind: 21, data: 'variant', textEdit: { newText: variant, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - parts[parts.length - 1].length, }, end: position, }, }, })), } } function provideLayerDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@layer\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null return { isIncomplete: false, items: ['base', 'components', 'utilities'].map((layer, index) => ({ label: layer, kind: 21, data: 'layer', sortText: naturalExpand(index), textEdit: { newText: layer, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, })), } } function provideScreenDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@screen\s+(?[^\s]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const screens = dlv( state.config, ['screens'], dlv(state.config, ['theme', 'screens'], {}) ) if (!isObject(screens)) return null return { isIncomplete: false, items: Object.keys(screens).map((screen, index) => ({ label: screen, kind: 21, data: 'screen', sortText: naturalExpand(index), textEdit: { newText: screen, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length, }, end: position, }, }, })), } } function provideCssDirectiveCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): CompletionList { if (!isCssContext(state, document, position)) { return null } let text = document.getText({ start: { line: position.line, character: 0 }, end: position, }) const match = text.match(/^\s*@(?[a-z]*)$/i) if (match === null) return null const items: CompletionItem[] = [ { label: '@tailwind', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use the \`@tailwind\` directive to insert Tailwind’s \`base\`, \`components\`, \`utilities\` and \`screens\` styles into your CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#tailwind' )})`, }, }, { label: '@variants', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `You can generate \`responsive\`, \`hover\`, \`focus\`, \`active\`, and \`group-hover\` versions of your own utilities by wrapping their definitions in the \`@variants\` directive.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#variants' )})`, }, }, { label: '@responsive', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `You can generate responsive variants of your own classes by wrapping their definitions in the \`@responsive\` directive.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#responsive' )})`, }, }, { label: '@screen', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `The \`@screen\` directive allows you to create media queries that reference your breakpoints by name instead of duplicating their values in your own CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#screen' )})`, }, }, { label: '@apply', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use \`@apply\` to inline any existing utility classes into your own custom CSS.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#apply' )})`, }, }, ...(semver.gte(state.version, '1.8.0') ? [ { label: '@layer', documentation: { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: `Use the \`@layer\` directive to tell Tailwind which "bucket" a set of custom styles belong to. Valid layers are \`base\`, \`components\`, and \`utilities\`.\n\n[Tailwind CSS Documentation](${docsUrl( state.version, 'functions-and-directives/#layer' )})`, }, }, ] : []), ] return { isIncomplete: false, items: => ({ ...item, kind: 14, data: 'directive', textEdit: { newText: item.label, range: { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - match.groups.partial.length - 1, }, end: position, }, }, })), } } async function provideEmmetCompletions( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ): Promise { let settings = await getDocumentSettings(state, document) if (settings.emmetCompletions !== true) return null const isHtml = isHtmlContext(state, document, position) const isJs = !isHtml && isJsContext(state, document, position) const syntax = isHtml ? 'html' : isJs ? 'jsx' : null if (syntax === null) { return null } const extractAbbreviationResults = emmetHelper.extractAbbreviation( document, position, true ) if ( !extractAbbreviationResults || !emmetHelper.isAbbreviationValid( syntax, extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation ) ) { return null } if ( !isValidLocationForEmmetAbbreviation( document, extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviationRange ) ) { return null } if (isJs) { const abbreviation: string = extractAbbreviationResults.abbreviation if (abbreviation.startsWith('this.')) { return null } const { symbols } = await state.emitter.emit('getDocumentSymbols', { uri: document.uri, }) if ( symbols && symbols.find( (symbol) => abbreviation === || (abbreviation.startsWith( + '.') && !/>|\*|\+/.test(abbreviation)) ) ) { return null } } const emmetItems = emmetHelper.doComplete(document, position, syntax, {}) if (!emmetItems || !emmetItems.items || emmetItems.items.length !== 1) { return null } // if (emmetItems.items[0].label === 'widows: ;') { return null } const parts = emmetItems.items[0].label.split('.') if (parts.length < 2) return null return completionsFromClassList(state, parts[parts.length - 1], { start: { line: position.line, character: position.character - parts[parts.length - 1].length, }, end: position, }) } export async function doComplete( state: State, document: TextDocument, position: Position ) { if (state === null) return { items: [], isIncomplete: false } const result = provideClassNameCompletions(state, document, position) || provideCssHelperCompletions(state, document, position) || provideCssDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideScreenDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideVariantsDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideTailwindDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || provideLayerDirectiveCompletions(state, document, position) || (await provideCustomClassNameCompletions(state, document, position)) if (result) return result return provideEmmetCompletions(state, document, position) } export async function resolveCompletionItem( state: State, item: CompletionItem ): Promise { if ( ['helper', 'directive', 'variant', 'layer', '@tailwind'].includes( ) { return item } if ( === 'screen') { let screens = dlv( state.config, ['theme', 'screens'], dlv(state.config, ['screens'], {}) ) if (!isObject(screens)) screens = {} item.detail = stringifyScreen(screens[item.label] as Screen) return item } const className = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [, '__info']) if (item.kind === 9) { item.detail = state.classNames.context[[ - 1] ].join(', ') } else { item.detail = await getCssDetail(state, className) if (!item.documentation) { const settings = await getDocumentSettings(state) const css = stringifyCss(':'), className, { tabSize: dlv(settings, 'tabSize'), showPixelValues: dlv(settings, 'experimental.showPixelValues'), }) if (css) { item.documentation = { kind: 'markdown' as typeof MarkupKind.Markdown, value: ['```css', css, '```'].join('\n'), } } } } return item } function isContextItem(state: State, keys: string[]): boolean { const item = dlv(state.classNames.classNames, [keys]) if (!isObject(item)) { return false } if (!state.classNames.context[keys[keys.length - 1]]) { return false } if (Object.keys(item).filter((x) => x !== '__info').length > 0) { return true } return isObject(item.__info) && !item.__info.__rule } function stringifyDecls( obj: any, { showPixelValues = false }: Partial<{ showPixelValues: boolean }> = {} ): string { let props = Object.keys(obj) let nonCustomProps = props.filter((prop) => !prop.startsWith('--')) if (props.length !== nonCustomProps.length && nonCustomProps.length !== 0) { props = nonCustomProps } return props .map((prop) => ensureArray(obj[prop]) .map((value) => { const px = showPixelValues ? remToPx(value) : undefined return `${prop}: ${value}${px ? ` /*${px}*/` : ''};` }) .join(' ') ) .join(' ') } async function getCssDetail(state: State, className: any): Promise { if (Array.isArray(className)) { return `${className.length} rules` } if (className.__rule === true) { const settings = await getDocumentSettings(state) return stringifyDecls(removeMeta(className), { showPixelValues: dlv(settings, 'experimental.showPixelValues', false), }) } return null }