const esbuild = require('esbuild') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const mri = require('mri') const resolve = (...args) => path.resolve(__dirname, ...args) const args = mri(process.argv.slice(2), { boolean: ['watch', 'minify'], string: ['outfile', 'outdir', 'external'], }){ entryPoints: args._, bundle: true, platform: 'node', external: [].concat(args.external), format: 'cjs', outdir: args.outdir, outfile: args.outfile, watch:, minify: args.minify, plugins: [ { name: 'css', setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /\.css$/, namespace: 'file' }, (args) => ({ path: require.resolve(args.path, { paths: [args.resolveDir] }), namespace: 'css', })) build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: 'css' }, async (args) => ({ contents: ` export default ${JSON.stringify(await fs.promises.readFile(args.path, 'utf8'))} `, })) }, }, { // name: 'native-node-modules', setup(build) { // If a ".node" file is imported within a module in the "file" namespace, resolve // it to an absolute path and put it into the "node-file" virtual namespace. build.onResolve({ filter: /\.node$/, namespace: 'file' }, (args) => ({ path: require.resolve(args.path, { paths: [args.resolveDir] }), namespace: 'node-file', })) // Files in the "node-file" virtual namespace call "require()" on the // path from esbuild of the ".node" file in the output directory. build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace: 'node-file' }, (args) => ({ contents: ` import path from ${JSON.stringify(args.path)} import { resolve } from 'path' module.exports = require(resolve(__dirname, path)) `, })) // If a ".node" file is imported within a module in the "node-file" namespace, put // it in the "file" namespace where esbuild's default loading behavior will handle // it. It is already an absolute path since we resolved it to one above. build.onResolve({ filter: /\.node$/, namespace: 'node-file' }, (args) => ({ path: args.path, namespace: 'file', })) // Tell esbuild's default loading behavior to use the "file" loader for // these ".node" files. let opts = build.initialOptions opts.loader = opts.loader || {} opts.loader['.node'] = 'file' }, }, ], })