# Changelog ## 0.2.0 - Support for Tailwind v1 via LSP 🎉 - Support for multi-root workspaces - Support for reason, slim, edge, njk, svelte files (thanks [@nhducit](https://github.com/nhducit), [@wayness](https://github.com/wayness), [@mattwaler](https://github.com/mattwaler), [@guillaumebriday](https://github.com/guillaumebriday)) - Support for non-default Tailwind separators - Add `@variants` completions - Better support for dynamic class(Name) values in JSX - Disables Emmet support by default. This can be enabled via the `tailwindCSS.emmetCompletions` setting ## 0.1.16 - add support for [EEx templates](https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix/templates.html), via [vscode-elixir](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=mjmcloug.vscode-elixir) – thanks [@dhc02](https://github.com/dhc02) ## 0.1.15 - add support for [leaf](https://github.com/vapor/leaf) files (#16) ## 0.1.10 - add syntax definitions for `@apply` and `config()`: **Before:** Syntax highlighting before update **After:** Syntax highlighting after update