Catch errors when resolving config and creating context

Brad Cornes 2021-10-29 17:49:42 +01:00
parent ecdfc1a98e
commit e786ece8c3
1 changed files with 14 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -857,17 +857,22 @@ async function createProjectService(
throw new SilentError(`Failed to load config file: ${state.configPath}`)
state.config = resolveConfig.module(originalConfig)
state.separator = state.config.separator
try {
state.config = resolveConfig.module(originalConfig)
state.separator = state.config.separator
if (state.jit) {
state.jitContext = state.modules.jit.createContext.module(state)
state.jitContext.tailwindConfig.separator = state.config.separator
if (state.jitContext.getClassList) {
state.classList = state.jitContext.getClassList().map((className) => {
return [className, { color: getColor(state, className) }]
if (state.jit) {
state.jitContext = state.modules.jit.createContext.module(state)
state.jitContext.tailwindConfig.separator = state.config.separator
if (state.jitContext.getClassList) {
state.classList = state.jitContext.getClassList().map((className) => {
return [className, { color: getColor(state, className) }]
} catch (error) {
throw error
let postcssResult: Result