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\newcommand{\resumeSubHeadingListStart}{\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]}
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% \textbf{\href{}{\Large Sourabh Bajaj}} & Email : \href{}{}\\
% \href{}{} & Mobile : +1-123-456-7890 \\
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\textbf{\Huge \scshape John Olheiser} \\ \vspace{1pt}
\href{}{\underline{}} $|$
\small 701-425-6883 $|$
{Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems}{Graduated August 2014}
{University of Mary}{Bismarck, ND}
\section{Professional Experience}
{North Dakota Legislative Assembly}{July 2021 - Current}
{Software Development Engineer}{Bismarck, ND}
\resumeItem{Increased application resiliency by replacing manual testing and deployment processes with automated continual integration, testing, and deployment pipelines.}
\resumeItem{Enabled faster and safer development of new features utilizing internal APIs through the creation of API client wrappers in Java and Python.}
\resumeItem{Improved developer experience and iteration time by creating new internal CLI tooling using Go.}
{Programmer Analyst II}{September 2017 - July 2021}
\resumeItem{Created legislative bill tracking system allowing users to curate and track the status of bills from mobile devices using Typescript, Angular, and Java.}
\resumeItem{Enabled legislative body to receive remote testimony by creating new testimony web application using Python, Django, and PostgreSQL.}
\resumeItem{Coordinated migration of legacy Python 2 applications to Python 3 while maintaining application support.}
{Programmer Analyst I}{January 2014 - September 2017}
\resumeItem{Improved the ability of state social workers to provide assistance by building evaluation and note taking application using Java, Spring, and MySQL. }
\resumeItem{Lead effort to reduce vulnerabilities and improve development velocity by upgrading critical applications from Java 6 to Java 9.}
\resumeItem{Modernized team's source control handling by leading effort to migrate source code from ClearCase and Subversion repositories to Git.}
\section{Open Source Experience}
{Gitea}{January 2019 - Current}
{Technical Oversight Committee Member}{\href{}{}}
\resumeItem{Core maintainer of the Gitea project, a Go based open source self hosted git frontend and tooling ecosystem.}
\resumeItem{Enhanced ability of users to listen for specific event data when a repository changes through the implementation of a webhook based event system.}
\resumeItem{Resolved security vulnerabilities through application of security patches and implementing automated security checks on codebase.}
{WoodpeckerCI}{October 2021 - Current}
\resumeItem{Contributor to Woodpecker CI, an open source, extensible, continuous integration tool for teams to automate build, testing, and deployment pipelines.}
\resumeItem{Lead effort to allow clients to more accurately track changes in their woodpecker instances through refactoring of logging system. }
\resumeItem{Improved end-user experience and onboarding by creating and improving documentation for woodpecker CLI}
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS-----------
\section{Technical Skills}
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}]
\textbf{Languages:}{ Java, Go, C\#, Python, SQL, Javascript, Typescript } \\
\textbf{Technologies:} {Git, Docker, S3, Angular} \\
\textbf{Other Knowledge:}{ Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, Debugging, Test Driven Development, HTML, CSS, REST}