# imp imp is an opinionated import formatter The order it follows is: ```text import ( ) ``` imp includes five flags: * `--write` will write out the formatting rather than printing * `--ignore` reads a `.impignore` file for globs to include/exclude (`.impignore` by default) * `--stdin` will read from stdin and print to stdout * `--gofumpt` will also format using [gofumpt](https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt) * `--gofumpt-extra` will include [gofumpt extra rules](https://github.com/mvdan/gofumpt#extra-rules-behind--extra) ### `.impignore` format The `.impignore` file follows a [globber format](https://gitea.com/jolheiser/globber), which closely resembles a traditional `.gitignore` file.