package router import ( "context" "" "net/http/httptest" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "" "" ) var ( server *httptest.Server token = "TestingRouter" ) // NOTE: The router test is more or less a copy/paste from go-gpm // However, this ensures that testing is the same with the "real" router and DB func TestMain(m *testing.M) { tmp, err := os.MkdirTemp(os.TempDir(), "gpm") if err != nil { panic(err) } dbPath := filepath.Join(tmp, "gpm.db") db, err := database.Load(dbPath) if err != nil { log.Fatal().Msgf("could not load database at %q: %v", dbPath, err) } server = httptest.NewServer(New(token, db)) code := m.Run() // Cleanup if err := os.RemoveAll(tmp); err != nil { panic(err) } os.Exit(code) } func TestRouter(t *testing.T) { ctx := context.Background() client := gpm.New("", gpm.WithServer(server.URL)) // Info checkInfo(t, client, 0) pkg1 := gpm.Package{ Name: "test1", Import: "", } pkg2 := gpm.Package{ Name: "test2", Import: "", } // Add (without token) if err := client.Add(ctx, pkg1); err == nil { t.Log("adding without token should fail") t.Fail() } // Add (with token) client = gpm.New(token, gpm.WithServer(server.URL)) checkAdd(t, client, pkg1, pkg2) // Info (after second package) checkInfo(t, client, 2) // Check package checkGet(t, client, pkg2) // Update package checkUpdate(t, client, pkg1) // Remove checkRemove(t, client, pkg1) // Info (final) checkInfo(t, client, 1) } func checkInfo(t *testing.T, client *gpm.Client, numPackages int) { info, err := client.Info(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Logf("info should not return error: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } if info.Version != Version || info.NumPackages != numPackages { t.Log("info did not match expected") t.Fail() } } func checkGet(t *testing.T, client *gpm.Client, pkg gpm.Package) { ctx := context.Background() _, err := client.Get(ctx, "test3") if err == nil { t.Log("should not be able to get invalid package") t.Fail() } // Check valid package p, err := client.Get(ctx, "test2") if err != nil { t.Logf("should not be able to get invalid package: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } if p != pkg { t.Log("valid package should match pkg") t.Fail() } } func checkAdd(t *testing.T, client *gpm.Client, pkg1, pkg2 gpm.Package) { ctx := context.Background() if err := client.Add(ctx, pkg1); err != nil { t.Logf("pkg1 should be added: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } if err := client.Add(ctx, pkg2); err != nil { t.Logf("pkg2 should be added: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } // Duplicate package if err := client.Add(ctx, pkg1); err == nil { t.Log("pkg1 should already exist") t.Fail() } } func checkUpdate(t *testing.T, client *gpm.Client, pkg gpm.Package) { ctx := context.Background() // Update invalid package if err := client.Update(ctx, gpm.Package{Name: "test4", Import: ""}); err == nil { t.Log("should not be able to update invalid package") t.Fail() } // Update valid package pkg.Import = "" if err := client.Update(ctx, pkg); err != nil { t.Logf("should be able to update valid package: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } } func checkRemove(t *testing.T, client *gpm.Client, pkg gpm.Package) { ctx := context.Background() if err := client.Remove(ctx, pkg); err != nil { t.Logf("should be able to remove package: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } // Remove (idempotent) if err := client.Remove(ctx, pkg); err != nil { t.Logf("should be able to remove package idempotently: %v\n", err) t.Fail() } }