# NAME gpm - Go Package Manager # SYNOPSIS gpm ``` [--database|-d]=[value] [--server|-s]=[value] [--token|-t]=[value] ``` **Usage**: ``` gpm [GLOBAL OPTIONS] command [COMMAND OPTIONS] [ARGUMENTS...] ``` # GLOBAL OPTIONS **--database, -d**="": path to gpm database for server (default: /home/jolheiser/.config/gpm.db) **--server, -s**="": gpm server to use (default: https://gpm.jolheiser.com) **--token, -t**="": gpm auth token to use # COMMANDS ## add, a Add a package **--force, -f**: Overwrite existing package without prompt **--local, -l**: local mode ## get, g Get package(s) ## list, ls, l List local packages ## remove, rm Remove package(s) ## search, s Search packages ## server, web Start the gpm server **--port, -p**="": Port to run the gpm server on (default: 3333) ## update, u Update a package **--local, -l**: local mode