package cmd import ( "context" "flag" "fmt" "os" "os/exec" "runtime" "" "" ) func (h *Handler) CD() *ffcli.Command { fs := flag.NewFlagSet("cd", flag.ContinueOnError) printFlag := fs.Bool("print", false, "Print workspace dir instead of spawning a shell") fs.BoolVar(printFlag, "p", *printFlag, "--print") return &ffcli.Command{ Name: "cd", FlagSet: fs, ShortUsage: "cd [workspace=base]", ShortHelp: "Open a shell in the specified `workspace`", Exec: func(ctx context.Context, _ []string) error { dir := h.Config.Workspace() if fs.NArg() > 0 { dir = h.Config.WorkspaceBranch(fs.Arg(0)) } if *printFlag { fmt.Println(dir) return nil } command, args := cd(h.Config) cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, command, args...) cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr cmd.Dir = dir return cmd.Run() }, } } func cd(cfg *config.Config) (string, []string) { if cfg.CD.Command != "" { return cfg.CD.Command, cfg.CD.Args } var shell string switch runtime.GOOS { case "windows": shell = "powershell.exe" case "linux": shell = "/bin/bash" } return shell, nil }