This repository has been archived on 2021-06-21. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues/pull-requests.

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package color
import (
const escape = "\x1b"
type Color interface {
Format(text string) string
// ParseLevel parses a string and returns a Beaver Level's Color, defaulting to Info
func ParseLevel(level string) Color {
switch strings.ToUpper(level) {
case "T", "TRACE":
return Trace
case "D", "DEBUG":
return Debug
case "I", "INFO":
return Info
case "W", "WARN":
return Warn
case "E", "ERROR":
return Error
case "F", "FATAL":
return Fatal
return Info
var (
Trace = New(Bold, FgCyan)
Debug = New(Bold, FgBlue)
Info = New(Bold, FgGreen)
Warn = New(Bold, FgYellow)
Error = New(Bold, FgRed)
Fatal = New(Bold, BgRed)
Default = New()
Time = Default
Stack = Default