use serenity::async_trait; use serenity::client::{Context, EventHandler}; use serenity::http::AttachmentType; use serenity::model::channel::Message; use serenity::model::gateway::Ready; use crate::discord::helper::send_webhook_msg_to_player_channels; use crate::game::global_data::GlobalData; use crate::game::MessageSource; pub struct Handler {} #[async_trait] impl EventHandler for Handler { async fn message(&self, ctx: Context, msg: Message) { if { return; } if msg.content.starts_with('$') { return; } let data =; let global_data = data.get::().unwrap(); let mut global_data = global_data.lock().await; if global_data.game_state.is_none() { // no game in progress return; } if let Some(player_data) = global_data .game_state() .unwrap() .get_player_from_channel(msg.channel_id.0) { let guild = msg.guild(&ctx.cache).await.unwrap(); let user_msg = msg.content.clone(); let attachments: Vec = msg .attachments .iter() .map(|a| AttachmentType::Image(&a.url)) .collect(); let msg_source = MessageSource::Player(Box::new(player_data.clone())); send_webhook_msg_to_player_channels( &ctx, &guild, &mut global_data, msg_source, &user_msg, Some(attachments), ) .await .expect("Unable to send message to players"); } } async fn ready(&self, ctx: Context, ready: Ready) { let mut data =; let global_data = data.get_mut::().unwrap(); let mut global_data = global_data.lock().await; let host_webhook = ctx .http .get_webhook_from_url(&global_data.cfg.host_webhook) .await .expect("Unable to open host webhook"); global_data.host_webhook = Some(host_webhook); println!("{} is connected!",; } }