use log::error; use serenity::{ builder::CreateApplicationCommand, model::prelude::interaction::{ application_command::ApplicationCommandInteraction, InteractionResponseType, }, prelude::Context, Result as SerenityResult, }; use crate::{ bot::commands::CommandOutput, database::{Database, DatabaseError}, session::manager::SessionManager, }; pub const NAME: &str = "unlink"; async fn respond_message( ctx: &Context, command: &ApplicationCommandInteraction, msg: impl Into, ephemeral: bool, ) -> SerenityResult<()> { command .create_interaction_response(&ctx.http, |response| { response .kind(InteractionResponseType::ChannelMessageWithSource) .interaction_response_data(|message| message.content(msg.into()).ephemeral(ephemeral)) }) .await } fn check_msg(result: SerenityResult<()>) { if let Err(why) = result { error!("Error sending message: {:?}", why); } } pub fn run(ctx: Context, command: ApplicationCommandInteraction) -> CommandOutput { Box::pin(async move { let data =; let database = data.get::().unwrap(); let session_manager = data.get::().unwrap(); // Disconnect session if user has any if let Some(session) = session_manager.find( { if let Err(why) = session.disconnect().await { error!("Error disconnecting session: {:?}", why); } } // Check if user exists in the first place if let Err(why) = database .delete_user_account( .await { if let DatabaseError::InvalidStatusCode(status) = why { if status == 404 { check_msg( respond_message( &ctx, &command, "You cannot unlink your Spotify account if you currently don't have a linked Spotify account.", true, ) .await, ); return; } } error!("Error deleting user account: {:?}", why); check_msg( respond_message( &ctx, &command, "An unexpected error has occured while trying to unlink your account. Please try again later.", true, ) .await, ); return; } check_msg( respond_message( &ctx, &command, "Successfully unlinked your Spotify account from Spoticord", true, ) .await, ); }) } pub fn register(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand { command .name(NAME) .description("Unlink your Spotify account from Spoticord") }