
540 lines
15 KiB

use crate::byte_stream::{bit_mask, ByteStream, ByteStreamError};
use crate::formatter::printers::print_bytes_as_array;
use byteorder::{BigEndian, ByteOrder, LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt};
use num_bigint::{BigInt, BigUint};
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter, Write};
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
pub trait LastByte: ByteOrder {
fn last_byte(buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<&mut u8>;
fn big_int(buf: &[u8]) -> BigInt;
fn big_uint(buf: &[u8]) -> BigUint;
fn big_u_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigUint) -> Vec<u8>;
fn big_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigInt) -> Vec<u8>;
impl LastByte for BigEndian {
fn last_byte(buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<&mut u8> {
fn big_int(buf: &[u8]) -> BigInt {
fn big_uint(buf: &[u8]) -> BigUint {
fn big_u_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigUint) -> Vec<u8> {
fn big_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigInt) -> Vec<u8> {
impl LastByte for LittleEndian {
fn last_byte(buf: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Option<&mut u8> {
fn big_int(buf: &[u8]) -> BigInt {
fn big_uint(buf: &[u8]) -> BigUint {
fn big_u_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigUint) -> Vec<u8> {
fn big_int_to_bytes(big_int: BigInt) -> Vec<u8> {
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum FormatError {
impl From<ByteStreamError> for FormatError {
fn from(e: ByteStreamError) -> Self {
impl From<FromUtf8Error> for FormatError {
fn from(e: FromUtf8Error) -> Self {
impl Display for FormatError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
FormatError::ByteSteamError(e) => writeln!(f, "Byte stream error: {}", e),
FormatError::NotSupported => write!(f, "Field type not supported"),
FormatError::StringParseError(e) => write!(f, "String parse error: {}", e),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
#[serde(tag = "type")]
pub enum FieldType {
/// Unsigned Int
UInt {
bit_width: usize,
endianness: Endianness,
/// Unsigned Int
Int {
bit_width: usize,
endianness: Endianness,
/// Single Precession Float
Float { endianness: Endianness },
/// Double Precession Float
Double { endianness: Endianness },
/// Null Terminated String Field
String {
max_len: usize,
endianness: Endianness,
/// Fixed Byte Length Field
Bytes {
max_len: usize,
endianness: Endianness,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone, PartialOrd, PartialEq, Copy)]
pub enum Endianness {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct Field {
/// Field Name
pub name: String,
/// Field Type
pub field_type: FieldType,
/// Flip Bit Order
pub bit_flip: Option<bool>,
impl Field {
fn format_int<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
bit_width: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let mut bytes = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, bit_width)?;
if let Some(last_byte) = T::last_byte(&mut bytes) {
let last_bit = ((bit_width - 1) % 8) as u8;
let sign_bit = (*last_byte >> last_bit) & 0x1 == 1;
if sign_bit {
// Sign extend
*last_byte |= !bit_mask(last_bit + 1)
let big_int = T::big_int(&bytes);
Ok((big_int.to_string(), bit_width))
} else {
fn format_uint<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
bit_width: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let bytes = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, bit_width)?;
let big_int = T::big_uint(&bytes);
Ok((big_int.to_string(), bit_width))
fn format_float<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let bytes = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, 32)?;
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(bytes);
Ok((cursor.read_f32::<T>().unwrap().to_string(), 4))
fn format_double<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let bytes = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, 64)?;
let mut cursor = Cursor::new(bytes);
Ok((cursor.read_f64::<T>().unwrap().to_string(), 4))
fn format_string<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
mut bit_ndx: usize,
max_byte_len: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let mut string_bytes = Vec::new();
for _ in 0..max_byte_len {
let byte = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, 8)?[0];
if byte == 0 {
bit_ndx += 8;
let byte_count = string_bytes.len();
Ok((String::from_utf8(string_bytes)?, byte_count))
fn format_bytes<T: LastByte>(
byte_stream: &ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
max_byte_len: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let data_remaining = byte_stream.len() - bit_ndx / 8;
let width = if max_byte_len < data_remaining {
max_byte_len * 8
} else {
data_remaining * 8
let data = byte_stream.get_bytes::<T>(bit_ndx, width)?;
Ok((print_bytes_as_array(&data), width))
fn format_data(
byte_stream: &mut ByteStream,
bit_ndx: usize,
) -> Result<(String, usize), FormatError> {
let global_bit_flip = byte_stream.get_reverse_bits();
if let Some(bit_flip) = self.bit_flip {
let fmt = match self.field_type {
FieldType::UInt {
} => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_uint::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, bit_width)
Endianness::BigEndian => {
Self::format_uint::<BigEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, bit_width)
FieldType::Int {
} => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_int::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, bit_width)
Endianness::BigEndian => {
Self::format_int::<BigEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, bit_width)
FieldType::Float { endianness } => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_float::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx)
Endianness::BigEndian => Self::format_float::<BigEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx),
FieldType::Double { endianness } => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_double::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx)
Endianness::BigEndian => Self::format_double::<BigEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx),
FieldType::String {
} => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_string::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, max_len)
Endianness::BigEndian => {
Self::format_string::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, max_len)
FieldType::Bytes {
} => match endianness {
Endianness::LittleEndian => {
Self::format_bytes::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, max_len)
Endianness::BigEndian => {
Self::format_bytes::<LittleEndian>(byte_stream, bit_ndx, max_len)
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Clone)]
pub struct Format {
/// Format Name
pub name: String,
/// Flip bits
pub bit_flip: bool,
/// Elements of the format
pub fields: Vec<Field>,
impl Format {
pub fn format_data(&self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<String, FormatError> {
let mut format_str = String::new();
let mut byte_stream = ByteStream::from(data);
let mut bit_ndx: usize = 0;
for field in &self.fields {
match field.format_data(&mut byte_stream, bit_ndx) {
Ok((data_str, bit_width)) => {
bit_ndx += bit_width;
writeln!(format_str, "{}: {}",, data_str).unwrap();
Err(e) => {
println!("Error formatting field: \"{}\": {}",, e);
return Err(e);
mod tests {
use crate::byte_stream::ByteStream;
use crate::formatter::format::{Endianness, Field, FieldType};
fn test_format_int_4_bits() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Int {
bit_width: 4,
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
for i in 0i8..7i8 {
let mut byte_vec = ::new();
byte_vec.push(i as u8);
byte_vec.push((-i) as u8);
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(byte_vec);
let (pos_output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
let (neg_output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 8).unwrap();
assert_eq!(pos_output, i.to_string());
assert_eq!(neg_output, (-i).to_string());
fn test_format_int_5_bits() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Int {
bit_width: 5,
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![0x1B]);
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "-5")
fn test_format_int_16_bits() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Int {
bit_width: 16,
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![0xFC, 0xA5]);
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "-23044")
fn test_format_int_16_bits_not_aligned() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Int {
bit_width: 16,
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![0xC0, 0x5F, 0x0A]);
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 4).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "-23044")
fn test_format_float() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Float {
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(b"\x52\x58\xd2\xc3".to_vec());
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "-420.69")
fn test_format_double() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Double {
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(b"\xD7\xA3\x70\x3D\x0A\x4B\x7A\xC0".to_vec());
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "-420.69")
fn test_format_float_err() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Double {
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(b"\x3D\x70\xA3\xD7".to_vec());
assert!(field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).is_err())
fn test_format_string() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::String { max_len: 16 },
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(b"Hello World!\0".to_vec());
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "Hello World!".to_string())
fn test_format_bytes() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Bytes { max_len: 2 },
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF]);
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "[222, 173]")
fn test_format_bytes_max_len_bigger_than_data() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::Bytes { max_len: 64 },
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![0xDE, 0xAD]);
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "[222, 173]")
fn test_ccsds_apid_issue() {
let field = Field {
field_type: FieldType::UInt {
bit_width: 11,
endianness: Endianness::LittleEndian,
name: "test".to_string(),
bit_flip: None,
let byte_steam = ByteStream::from(vec![
0xe0, 0xa1, 0xc0, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05,
let (output, _) = field.format_data(&byte_steam, 5).unwrap();
assert_eq!(output, "1295")