# Example fields to show off configuration # # Example data: # "[0x00, 0x55, 0xff, 0x43, 0xd2 0x99 0x90, 0x48, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x57, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x6c, 0x64]" # # Example Output: # int field: 85 # uint field: 0xf # uint field: 0xf # float field: 421.1997 # string field: [72, 101, 108, 108, 111] # bytes field: [87, 111, 114, 108, 100] [[formats]] # Format name name = "example" # Global bit flip bit_flip = false # signed int field, big endian [[formats.fields]] name = "int field" field_type = {type = "Int", bit_width = 16, endianness = "BigEndian"} # unsigned int field, little endian. also is printed as hex [[formats.fields]] name = "uint field" print_type = {print = "Base", base=16} field_type = {type = "UInt", bit_width = 4, endianness = "LittleEndian"} # unsigned int field, little endian. also is printed as hex [[formats.fields]] name = "uint field" print_type = {print = "Base", base=16} field_type = {type = "UInt", bit_width = 4, endianness = "LittleEndian"} # single precesion float field. [[formats.fields]] name = "float field" bit_flip = false field_type = {type = "Float", endianness = "BigEndian"} # string field. Printed as a byte array [[formats.fields]] name = "string field" field_type = {type = "String", endianness = "BigEndian", max_len = 55} # byte field [[formats.fields]] name = "bytes field" field_type = {type = "Bytes", endianness = "BigEndian", max_len = 5} # Example of layer formats [[formats]] name = "example_layer" bit_flip = false # Example sub-format [[formats.fields]] name = "example sub-format" field_type = {type = "Format", format_name = "example"} # UInt after subfield [[formats.fields]] name = "uint field" print_type = {print = "Base", base=16} field_type = {type = "UInt", bit_width = 16, endianness = "LittleEndian"}