Day 2 done, started working on improving build.zig

Joey Hines 2022-12-02 12:51:53 -07:00
parent ae8b29d9f8
commit 89ff0eda4e
Signed by: joeyahines
GPG Key ID: 995E531F7A569DDB
4 changed files with 2698 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -11,9 +11,14 @@ pub fn build(b: * void {
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const dayPath = "src/day1.zig";
const exe = b.addExecutable("advent_of_code", dayPath);
const days = [_]u8{1, 2};
for (days) |day| {
const dayPath = b.fmt("src/day{}.zig", .{day});
const dayName = b.fmt("day{}", .{day});
const exe = b.addExecutable(dayName, dayPath);
@ -33,4 +38,5 @@ pub fn build(b: * void {
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");

inputs/day2.txt 100644

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -36,10 +36,3 @@ pub fn main() !void {
std.debug.print("Total calories of the top three elves: {}\n", .{sum});
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
try list.append(42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());

src/day2.zig 100644
View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Outcomes = enum(u16) {
Lost = 0,
Draw = 3,
Win = 6,
pub fn from_guide(value: u8) Outcomes{
return switch(value) {
'X' => Outcomes.Lost,
'Y' => Outcomes.Draw,
'Z' => Outcomes.Win,
else => Outcomes.INVALID,
const RPSStates = enum(i8) {
Rock = 0,
Paper =1,
Scissors = 2,
pub fn from_opponent(value: u8) RPSStates {
return switch(value) {
'A' => RPSStates.Rock,
'B' => RPSStates.Paper,
'C' => RPSStates.Scissors,
else => RPSStates.INVALID
pub fn from_me(value: u8) RPSStates {
return switch(value) {
'X' => RPSStates.Rock,
'Y' => RPSStates.Paper,
'Z' => RPSStates.Scissors,
else => RPSStates.INVALID
pub fn get_move_needed(outcome_needed: Outcomes, opp_choice: RPSStates) RPSStates {
return switch(outcome_needed) {
.Lost => opp_choice.get_strong_to_move(),
.Draw => opp_choice,
.Win => opp_choice.get_weak_to_move(),
else => unreachable
pub fn outcome(self: RPSStates, opp_choice: RPSStates) Outcomes {
if (self == opp_choice) {
return Outcomes.Draw;
else {
if (self.get_strong_to_move() == opp_choice) {
return Outcomes.Win;
else {
return Outcomes.Lost;
pub fn score_round(self: RPSStates, opp_choice: RPSStates) u16 {
var score: u16 = switch(self) {
.Rock => 1,
.Paper => 2,
.Scissors => 3,
else => unreachable
score += @enumToInt(self.outcome(opp_choice));
return score;
pub fn get_weak_to_move(self: RPSStates) RPSStates {
return @intToEnum(RPSStates, @mod((@enumToInt(self) + 1), 3));
pub fn get_strong_to_move(self: RPSStates) RPSStates {
return @intToEnum(RPSStates, @mod((@enumToInt(self) - 1), 3));
pub fn part1(opp_letter: u8, my_letter: u8) u16 {
const opp_choice = RPSStates.from_opponent(opp_letter);
const my_choice = RPSStates.from_me(my_letter);
return my_choice.score_round(opp_choice);
pub fn part2(opp_letter: u8, my_letter: u8) u16 {
const opp_choice = RPSStates.from_opponent(opp_letter);
const win_cond = Outcomes.from_guide(my_letter);
const my_choice = RPSStates.get_move_needed(win_cond, opp_choice);
return my_choice.score_round(opp_choice);
pub fn main() !void {
var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("inputs/day2.txt", .{});
defer file.close();
var buf_reader =;
var in_stream = buf_reader.reader();
var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined;
var score_part1: u16 = 0;
var score_part2: u16 = 0;
while (try in_stream.readUntilDelimiterOrEof(&buf, '\n')) |line| {
const opp_letter: u8 = line[0];
const my_letter: u8 = line[2];
score_part1 += part1(opp_letter, my_letter);
score_part2 += part2(opp_letter, my_letter);
std.debug.print("PART1: My total score: {}\n", .{score_part1});
std.debug.print("PART2: My total score: {}\n", .{score_part2});
test "Win Conditions" {
var opp = RPSStates.Paper;
var me = RPSStates.Rock;
var score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(score == 1);
opp = RPSStates.Scissors;
me = RPSStates.Paper;
score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(score == 2);
opp = RPSStates.Rock;
me = RPSStates.Scissors;
score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(score == 3);
opp = RPSStates.Rock;
me = RPSStates.Paper;
score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(me.outcome(opp) == Outcomes.Win);
try std.testing.expect(score == 8);
opp = RPSStates.Paper;
me = RPSStates.Scissors;
score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(score == 9);
opp = RPSStates.Scissors;
me = RPSStates.Rock;
score = me.score_round(opp);
try std.testing.expect(score == 7);