# Stonks Stonks is an app that tracks player statistics in a Minecraft world and makes them available via an API and a web interface. ## Installation Download the latest `.jar` release from the `/releases` folder, as well as the `stonks.config.sample` file. Copy both files to a folder on your server. Edit the config file (see different configuration option below) and rename it to `stonks.config`. Run Stonks from the command line: ``` java -jar .\stonks-0.1.jar ``` Profit! ## Config file ```kotlin databaseBaseDir=./databases databaseName=statistics h2StartWebServer=false h2tWebServerPort=8082 h2TcpServerPort=9092 apiServerPort=7000 statisticsUpdateInterval=900000 minecraftStatsFolder=./saves/world1/stats ``` ### databaseBaseDir This is the relative path to where Stonks will store it's database files. ### databaseName This is the name of the database Stonks will use. ### h2StartWebServer and h2tWebServerPort If set to true, this will start a web interface to view the contents of the database, available at `localhost:{h2tWebServerPort}`. ### h2TcpServerPort This is the port the database's TCP port will be available at, used internally. ### apiSerPort This is the port on which the Stonks web interface and JSON API will be available at. ### statisticsUpdateInterval The frequency, in ms, at which the statistics will be updated. ### minecraftStatsFolder The path to Minecraft's stats folder. ## Contributing Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.