.. include:: ../common.rst .. _qol_v1.4: QoL v1.4 ======== Additions --------- * `Death Mute Command`_ - ``/deathmute `` mutes death messages from a player until a sever restart. * `24 Karat Trophy Command`_ ``/karattrophy `` awards the player the 24 Karat Trophy advancement. * `Spec-Dynmap Message`_ - A message is now displayed when the user is hidden on Dynmap after using /spec. .. _Death Mute Command: https://git.etztech.xyz/Etzelia/QoL/issues/9 .. _24 Karat Trophy Command: https://git.etztech.xyz/Etzelia/QoL/issues/16 .. _Spec-Dynmap Message: https://git.etztech.xyz/ZeroHD/QoL/commit/6c5c20960b782d6b922d31859baca01132c63b9f Bug Fixes --------- None