import json import requests import sys import mysql.connector import datetime import time from typing import List class Application: def __init__(self, username): """ Class containing application data :param username: player's username """ self.username = username def to_insert_query(self): """ Created an SQL insert query from the application :return: SQL query string """ return """\ INSERT INTO minecraft_manager_application (username, age, player_type, ever_banned, read_rules, accepted, date) VALUES ("{}", 16, "Imported from Lasagn Whitelist", FALSE, "Yes", TRUE, "{}"); """.format(self.username,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")) def __str__(self): return self.username def get_latest_username(uuid: str) -> str: """ Gets the latest username of a player from the mojang api :param uuid: player's uuid :return: player name """ r = requests.get("{}/names".format(uuid)) if r.status_code == 200: j = r.json() return j[-1]["name"] else: raise Exception("Error getting user {}. Code: {}: {}".format(uuid, r.status_code, r.text)) def parse_whitelist(whitelist_path: str) -> List[Application]: """ Process all the applications from the whitelist file :return: list of applications """ # Load json from file with open(whitelist_path, "r") as f: whitelist = json.load(f) # Parse applications from whitelist data applications = [] for entry in whitelist: uuid = entry["uuid"] username = get_latest_username(uuid) app = Application(username) applications.append(app) # Prevent Mojang from rate limiting us time.sleep(0.5) return applications def insert_apps_into_db(apps: List[Application], host: str, user: str, pw: str, mcm_db_name: str): """ Insert applications into the MCM database :param apps: list of applications to import :param host: mysql host :param user: mysql user :param pw: mysql user password :param mcm_db_name: MCM database name """ # Open database db = mysql.connector.connect(host=host, user=user, password=pw, database=mcm_db_name) cursor = db.cursor(buffered=True) for app in apps: # Check if the player already has an application cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM minecraft_manager_application WHERE username = '{}';".format(app.username)) result = cursor.fetchall() # If there is not an existing app, insert the application into the DB if len(result) == 0: cursor.execute(app.to_insert_query()) # Commit and close up db.commit() cursor.close() db.close() def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 6: print("{} [WHITELIST PATH] [MYSQL HOST] [MYSQL USER] [MYSQL PW] [MCM DB Name]".format(sys.argv[0])) quit(0) else: # Parse args whitelist_path = sys.argv[1] host = sys.argv[2] user = sys.argv[3] pw = sys.argv[4] mc_db_name = sys.argv[5] # Parse whitelist apps = parse_whitelist(whitelist_path) # Insert apps into the database insert_apps_into_db(apps, host, user, pw, mc_db_name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()