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2020-10-01 17:09:50 +00:00
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<span class="logo"><img src="images/logo.png" alt="" /></span>
<p>A semi-vanilla LGBTQ+ friendly java minecraft server.</p>
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<nav id="nav">
<li><a href="#intro" class="active">Introduction</a></li>
<li><a href="#first">Features</a></li>
<li><a href="#second">Important Links</a></li>
<a href="#cta"><strong>Join Us</strong></a>
<!-- Main -->
<div id="main">
<!-- Introduction -->
<section id="intro" class="main">
<div class="spotlight">
<div class="content">
<header class="major">
BirbMC is a new semi-vanilla minecraft server (java) that
launched on June 13th 2020! We are looking to grow our community
of active and friendly players.
We aim to keep the game-play feel like vanilla, so our plugins
are primarily QoL and administrative. Our staff are experienced
moderators of large semi-vanilla MC servers. We even have our
own developers that keep everything streamlined as well as
enable us to provide additional capabilities to enrich the
experience for our players.
Please stop by! We have a greylist so anybody can come look
around before applying!
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn More</a></li>
<span class="image"><img src="images/showcase.png" alt="" /></span>
<!-- First Section -->
<section id="first" class="main special">
<header class="major">
<ul class="features">
<span class="icon solid major style1 fa-flag-checkered"></span>
<h3>Custom Advancements</h3>
The typical advancements are a subtle way to guide new players
in Minecraft. For flavor, we have added many of our own custom
advancements, we challenge you to collect them all!
<span class="icon solid major style2 fa-map-marked-alt"></span>
View our <a href="">server's map</a> in
real time, similarly to google maps! This tool gives our players
the ability to view their builds from a birds eye or isometric
view, but also explore new regions with navigational ease.
<a href="">here.</a>
<span class="icon solid major style3 fa-calendar-day"></span>
<h3>Periodic Community Events</h3>
Sed lorem amet ipsum dolor et amet nullam consequat a feugiat
consequat tempus veroeros sed consequat.
<span class="icon solid major style4 fa-server"></span>
<h3>Dedicated Server</h3>
Intel i7-7700K (4c/8t at 4.2+GHz) with 64GB of RAM and dual
450GB NVMe SSDs in RAID - full specification
<a href=""
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<ul class="actions special">
<li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn More</a></li>
</footer> -->
<!-- Second Section -->
<section id="second" class="main special">
<header class="major">
<h2>Important Links</h2>
Here are links to all the things you might want to know about the
<!-- <ul class="statistics">
<li class="style1">
<span class="icon solid fa-code-branch"></span>
<strong>5,120</strong> Etiam
<li class="style2">
<span class="icon fa-folder-open"></span>
<strong>8,192</strong> Magna
<li class="style3">
<span class="icon solid fa-signal"></span>
<strong>2,048</strong> Tempus
<li class="style4">
<span class="icon solid fa-laptop"></span>
<strong>4,096</strong> Aliquam
<li class="style5">
<span class="icon fa-gem"></span>
<strong>1,024</strong> Nullam
</ul> -->
<h3>Important documents</h3>
<ul class="content">
<p class="content">
Make sure to read our
<a href="">rules</a> before you join!
<p class="content">
Learn about
<a href="">land claims</a>
<p class="content">
Help reduce <a href="">lag</a> and keep
the server running smoothly
<p class="content">
Set up your
<a href="">nether</a> portal, and
connect to the tunnel system
<h3>Server IPs</h3>
<ul class="content">
<p class="content">
Survival server: <strong></strong>
<p class="content">
Creative server: <strong></strong>
<h3>Fun stuff</h3>
<ul class="content">
<p class="content">
Take a look around our
<a href="">dynmap</a>
<p class="content">
<a href="">Stats.</a> So many stats.
<p class="content">
Learn about <a href="">Geoffrey</a>,
our shop & location bot.
<h3>Social links</h3>
<ul class="content">
<p class="content">
Join us on <a href="">Discord</a>!
<p class="content">
Follow us on <a href="">Twitter</a>!
<p class="content">
Give us some updoots on
<a href="">Reddit</a>
<p class="content">
Join our
<a href=""
>Steam Group</a
If you <a href="">donate</a> to help pay
for server costs (<em
>make sure to leave your IGN in the memo section</em
>), you get access to a few
<a href="">donor perks</a>!
<!-- Get Started -->
<section id="cta" class="main special">
<header class="major">
<h2>Join us!</h2>
If you've read the rules and want to join us, here's the server's
<span class="input-group">
<span class="icon fa-copy"></span>
<p>Take a look around and do <span style="font-family:monospace">/apply</span> when you're ready!</p>
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<ul class="actions special">
<p class="button primary">Discord</p>
<a href="" class="button"
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<footer id="footer">
<h2>Aliquam sed mauris</h2>
Sed lorem ipsum dolor sit amet et nullam consequat feugiat consequat
magna adipiscing tempus etiam dolore veroeros. eget dapibus mauris.
Cras aliquet, nisl ut viverra sollicitudin, ligula erat egestas
velit, vitae tincidunt odio.
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="generic.html" class="button">Learn More</a></li>
<h2>Etiam feugiat</h2>
<dl class="alt">
<dd>1234 Somewhere Road &bull; Nashville, TN 00000 &bull; USA</dd>
<dd>(000) 000-0000 x 0000</dd>
<dd><a href="#">information@untitled.tld</a></dd>
<ul class="icons">
<a href="#" class="icon brands fa-twitter alt"
><span class="label">Twitter</span></a
<a href="#" class="icon brands fa-facebook-f alt"
><span class="label">Facebook</span></a
<a href="#" class="icon brands fa-instagram alt"
><span class="label">Instagram</span></a
<a href="#" class="icon brands fa-github alt"
><span class="label">GitHub</span></a
<a href="#" class="icon brands fa-dribbble alt"
><span class="label">Dribbble</span></a
<p class="copyright">
&copy; BirbMC. Design: <a href="">HTML5 UP</a>.
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