.. include:: common.rst .. _api: API Usage ========= Model API --------- .. warning:: You will need to pass the API password with any request in order for the API to respond. |br| The API will only respond to an authenticated user or a request containing the correct API password. |br| Send the password with the key ``api`` The model API is used to query any of the :ref:`models` and get back results in a JSON format. .. note:: This assumes that your base API URL is http://localhost:8000/api/\. |br| Your URL may be something like \http://www.yoursite.com/mcm/api/. You can include any Django filters_ as GET parameters to filter your search. .. _filters: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.0/ref/models/querysets/#id4 Sample Queries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Querying applications with the word ``test`` in the username. :: http://localhost:8000/api/model/application/?username__icontains=test Querying applications whose age is over ``20``. :: http://localhost:8000/api/model/application/?age__gt=20 Querying tickets sent in by ``Etzelia``. :: http://localhost:8000/api/model/ticket/?player__username=Etzelia