package xyz.etztech.stonks.statisticsimporter import com.beust.klaxon.* import com.beust.klaxon.Klaxon import io.ktor.client.* import* import io.ktor.client.request.* import io.ktor.client.statement.* import io.ktor.http.* import import java.time.Duration import java.time.Instant import kotlinx.coroutines.* import* import`java-time`.timestamp import import import xyz.etztech.stonks.dsl.LiveStatistics import xyz.etztech.stonks.dsl.Players import xyz.etztech.stonks.dsl.Statistics object StatisticsImporter { init {} private val httpClient = HttpClient(Java) private val klaxon = Klaxon() fun importStatistics(folder: String, database: Database) { println("Starting new statistics import.") File(folder).listFiles().forEach { readFile(it, database) } println("Updating live statistics table...") updateLiveStatistics(database) println("Updating aggregate statistics table...") updateAggregateStatistics(database) println("Refreshing player names...") refreshPlayerNames(database) println("Finished new statistics import.") } fun readFile(file: File, database: Database) { val statsFile = StatsFile.fromJson(file.readText()) val playerId = file.nameWithoutExtension val playerStats = emptyMap>().toMutableMap() transaction(database) { LiveStatistics.slice(LiveStatistics.type,, LiveStatistics.value) .select { LiveStatistics.playerId eq playerId } .forEach { if (playerStats.containsKey(it[LiveStatistics.type])) { playerStats[it[LiveStatistics.type]]?.put( it[], it[LiveStatistics.value] ) } else { playerStats.put( it[LiveStatistics.type], mapOf( it[] to it[LiveStatistics.value] ) .toMutableMap() ) } } } transaction(database) { addLogger(StdOutSqlLogger) statsFile?.stats?.forEach { type, stats -> stats.forEach { name, value -> if (playerStats.get(type)?.get(name) != value) { Statistics.insert { it[Statistics.playerId] = playerId it[Statistics.type] = type it[] = name it[Statistics.timestamp] = as Instant it[Statistics.value] = value } } } } } } fun updateLiveStatistics(database: Database) { transaction(database) { TransactionManager.current() .exec( """ MERGE INTO LIVESTATISTICS AS T USING ( SELECT STATISTICS."Type", STATISTICS."Name", STATISTICS."PlayerId", STATISTICS."Value", (RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY STATISTICS."Type", STATISTICS."Name" ORDER BY STATISTICS."Value" DESC)) AS "Rank" FROM STATISTICS JOIN ( SELECT "Type", "Name", "PlayerId", MAX("Timestamp") AS "MaxTimestamp", FROM STATISTICS GROUP BY "Type", "Name", "PlayerId" ) MAX_TIMESTAMPS ON STATISTICS."Type" = MAX_TIMESTAMPS."Type" AND STATISTICS."Name" = MAX_TIMESTAMPS."Name" AND STATISTICS."PlayerId" = MAX_TIMESTAMPS."PlayerId" AND STATISTICS."Timestamp" = MAX_TIMESTAMPS."MaxTimestamp" ) AS S ON (T."Type" = S."Type" AND T."Name" = S."Name" AND T."PlayerId" = S."PlayerId") WHEN MATCHED AND (S."Value" <> T."Value" OR S."Rank" <> T."Rank")THEN UPDATE SET T."Value" = S."Value", T."Rank" = S."Rank" WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT VALUES (S."PlayerId", S."Type", S."Name", S."Value", S."Rank") """.trimIndent() ) } } fun updateAggregateStatistics(database: Database) { transaction(database) { TransactionManager.current() .exec( """ SET @Timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; INSERT INTO AGGREGATESTATISTICS ("Type", "Name", "Timestamp", "Value") SELECT Live."Type", '', @Timestamp AS "Timestamp", sum(Live."Value") FROM LIVESTATISTICS as Live LEFT JOIN AGGREGATESTATISTICS as Agg ON Live."Type" = Agg."Type" WHERE array_contains(array['minecraft:mined'], Live."Type") GROUP BY Live."Type" HAVING sum(Live."Value") <> max(Agg."Value") OR max(Agg."Value") IS NULL; INSERT INTO AGGREGATESTATISTICS ("Type", "Name", "Timestamp", "Value") SELECT Live."Type", Live."Name", @Timestamp AS "Timestamp", Sum(Live."Value") FROM livestatistics as Live LEFT JOIN AGGREGATESTATISTICS as Agg ON Live."Type" = Agg."Type" AND Live."Name" = Agg."Name" WHERE array_contains(array['minecraft:animals_bred', 'minecraft:play_one_minute', 'minecraft:deaths', 'minecraft:player_kills', 'minecraft:aviate_one_cm', 'minecraft:boat_one_cm', 'minecraft:crouch_one_cm', 'minecraft:horse_one_cm', 'minecraft:minecart_one_cm', 'minecraft:sprint_one_cm', 'minecraft:strider_one_cm', 'minecraft:swim_one_cm', 'minecraft:walk_on_water_one_cm', 'minecraft:walk_one_cm', 'minecraft:walk_under_water_one_cm' ], Live."Name") OR array_contains(array['minecraft:killed', 'minecraft:killed_by'], Live."Type") GROUP BY Live."Type", Live."Name" HAVING sum(Live."Value") <> max(Agg."Value") OR max(Agg."Value") IS NULL; """.trimIndent() ) } } fun refreshPlayerNames(database: Database) { transaction(database) { addLogger(StdOutSqlLogger) val savedPlayers = Players.selectAll().map { object { val id = it[] val timestamp = it[Players.timestamp] } } val players = LiveStatistics.slice(LiveStatistics.playerId) .selectAll() .groupBy(LiveStatistics.playerId) .map { it[LiveStatistics.playerId] } savedPlayers .filter { Duration.between(it.timestamp, > Duration.ofDays(1) } .forEach { player -> runBlocking { val name = getName( if (name != null) { println("Updating ${} -> $name") Players.update({ eq }) { it[] = name it[Players.timestamp] = } } else { println("Error updating ${}") } } } players .filterNot { player -> savedPlayers.any { savedPlayer -> == player } } .forEach { playerId -> runBlocking { val name = getName(playerId) if (name != null) { println("Updating $playerId -> $name") Players.insert { it[] = playerId it[] = name it[Players.timestamp] = } } else { println("Error updating $playerId") } } } } } suspend fun getName(id: String): String? { val response: HttpResponse = httpClient.request( "${id.replace("-", "")}" ) { method = HttpMethod.Get } if (response.status.isSuccess()) { try { return MojangProfileResponse.fromJson(response.readText())?.name } catch (e: Exception) {} } return null } data class StatsFile(val stats: Map>) { companion object { public fun fromJson(json: String) = klaxon.parse(json) } } data class MojangProfileResponse(val name: String) { companion object { public fun fromJson(json: String) = klaxon.parse(json) } } }