package xyz.etztech.minealert; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import; import xyz.etztech.Javacord; import xyz.etztech.Webhook; import xyz.etztech.embed.Author; import xyz.etztech.embed.Embed; import xyz.etztech.embed.Field; import xyz.etztech.minealert.commands.AlertMute; import xyz.etztech.minealert.commands.MainCommand; import xyz.etztech.minealert.listeners.GriefAlertListener; import xyz.etztech.minealert.listeners.OreAlertListener; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.util.logging.Logger; public class MineAlert extends JavaPlugin { private static MineAlert instance; private final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( "Minecraft" ); public void onEnable() { instance = this; saveDefaultConfig(); reloadConfig(); if (isEnabled()) { new MainCommand(this); new GriefAlertListener(this); new OreAlertListener(this); new AlertMute(this); } } public void log(String message) { "[MineAlert]: " + message ); } public static MineAlert getInstance() { return instance; } /** * @param def The default if no paths resolve * @param path Config paths to check, from specific -> fallback * @return The resolved String value */ public String getConfigStringFallback(String def, String ...path) { String fallback = ""; for (String p : path) { fallback = getConfig().getString(p, fallback); if (!"".equals(fallback)) { return fallback; } } return def; } /** * @param def The default if no paths resolve * @param path Config paths to check, from specific -> fallback * @return The resolved Int value */ public int getConfigIntFallback(int def, String ...path) { int fallback = 0; for (String p : path) { fallback = getConfig().getInt(p, fallback); if (fallback != 0) { return fallback; } } return def; } /** * @param player Player to check * @param muteType Type of alert to check fo * @return True if the player ignores the alert, false otherwise */ static public Boolean hasIgnoreAlertPerm(Player player, MuteType muteType) { return player.hasPermission("minealert.ignore") || player.hasPermission(muteType.getMetadataValue()); } /** * @param baseURL Template URL string * @param player Player that generated the alert * @param location Location of the alert * @return Formatted alert URL */ static public String formatAlertURL(String baseURL, Player player, Location location) { return baseURL.replaceAll("\\{username}", player.getName()) .replaceAll("\\{x}", String.valueOf(location.getBlockX())) .replaceAll("\\{y}", String.valueOf(location.getBlockY())) .replaceAll("\\{z}", String.valueOf(location.getBlockZ())) .replaceAll("\\{world_name}", location.getWorld().getName()); } /** * @param location Location to format * @return Location string */ static public String formattedLocation(Location location) { return String.format("%d %d %d", location.getBlockX(), location.getBlockY(), location.getBlockZ()); } /** * @param color Color of the embed * @param player Player the alert is for * @param location Location of the alert * @param message Alert message * @param baseURL Template url * @return Alert Embed */ static public Embed buildAlertEmbed(Color color, Player player, Location location, String message, String baseURL) { String usernameURL = formatAlertURL(baseURL, player, location); return new Embed() .color(color.getInt()) .description(Javacord.escapeFormat(message)) .timestamp( .author(new Author(player.getName(), !"".equals(usernameURL) ? usernameURL : "", String.format("", player.getName()), "")) .addField(new Field("Location", String.format("`%s`", MineAlert.formattedLocation(location)))) .addField(new Field("World", String.format("`%s`", location.getWorld().getName()))); } /** * @param webhookURL URL to send the webhook to * @param color Color of the embed * @param player Player the alert is for * @param location Location of the alert * @param message Alert message * @param baseURL Template url */ public void sendWebhook(String webhookURL, Color color, Player player, Location location, String message, String baseURL) { this.getServer().getScheduler().runTaskAsynchronously(this, () -> { Embed embed = buildAlertEmbed(color, player, location, message, baseURL); try { Javacord.sendWebhook(webhookURL, new Webhook("@here", embed)); } catch (Exception e) { this.log(Lang.WEBHOOK_FAILED.getMessage()); } }); } }