Fixed chunk range for restore

+ A single chunk can now also be restored
+ clippy+fmt
Joey Hines 2020-11-05 20:35:34 -06:00
parent 5a403b4b64
commit a7e2b260bc
5 changed files with 138 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ SUBCOMMANDS:
export Export a backup as a single player world
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
restore Restore certain chunks from a backup
Process finished with exit code 1
## Examples
@ -35,9 +38,13 @@ Exporting a backup to a single player world:
`albatorss -c test.toml export backups/04-11-20_01.51.27_backup.tar.gz sp.tar.gz`
Restoring a single chunk (from -2,-2 to 2,2):
`albatorss -c test.toml restore world backups/04-11-20_01.51.27_backup.tar.gz sp.tar.gz` (0,0)
Restoring a range of chunks (from -2,-2 to 2,2):
`albatorss -c test.toml restore world backups/04-11-20_01.51.27_backup.tar.gz sp.tar.gz` -2 -2 2 2
`albatorss -c test.toml restore world backups/04-11-20_01.51.27_backup.tar.gz sp.tar.gz` (-2,-2) -u (2,2)
## Config

View File

@ -219,7 +219,6 @@ pub fn convert_backup_to_sp(
backup: &PathBuf,
output: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let extract_path = uncompress_backup(backup)?;
if let Some(worlds) = &config.world_config {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
use regex::Regex;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt;
use std::num::ParseIntError;
use std::str::FromStr;
/// Chunk error
pub enum ChunkCoordinateErr {
/// Error parsing integer
/// Regex error
/// Invalid chunk coordinate given
impl From<ParseIntError> for ChunkCoordinateErr {
fn from(e: ParseIntError) -> Self {
impl From<regex::Error> for ChunkCoordinateErr {
fn from(e: regex::Error) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for ChunkCoordinateErr {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Unable to parse chunk range: {:?}", self)
impl Error for ChunkCoordinateErr {}
/// Chunk Coordinate paiir
pub struct ChunkCoordinate {
/// X Coordinate
pub x: i32,
/// Z Coordinate
pub z: i32,
impl FromStr for ChunkCoordinate {
type Err = ChunkCoordinateErr;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
let re = Regex::new(r"\((?P<x>-?[0-9]*),(?P<z>-?[0-9]*)\)").unwrap();
if let Some(cap) = re.captures(s) {
let x = cap["x"].parse::<i32>()?;
let z = cap["z"].parse::<i32>()?;
Ok(Self { x, z })
} else {

View File

@ -2,14 +2,16 @@ use std::path::PathBuf;
use structopt::StructOpt;
mod backup;
mod chunk_coordinate;
mod config;
mod discord;
mod region;
mod restore;
use crate::backup::{convert_backup_to_sp, do_backup};
use crate::chunk_coordinate::ChunkCoordinate;
use crate::config::AlbatrossConfig;
use crate::restore::{restore_range_from_backup, restore_chunk_from_backup};
use crate::restore::{restore_chunk_from_backup, restore_range_from_backup};
#[derive(Debug, StructOpt)]
#[structopt(about = "Backup your Minecraft Server!")]
@ -50,8 +52,11 @@ enum SubCommand {
/// Backup to restore from
backup_path: PathBuf,
/// Backup range can be a single chunk coordinate pair or a chunk range
chunk_range: Vec<i32>,
/// Chunk to backup
chunk: ChunkCoordinate,
/// Upper chunk range bound
#[structopt(short, long)]
upper_bound: Option<ChunkCoordinate>,
@ -84,29 +89,34 @@ fn main() {
} => {
println!("Starting restore");
let server_directory = match server_directory {
Some(dir) => dir,
None => cfg.backup.minecraft_dir
None => cfg.backup.minecraft_dir,
if chunk_range.len() > 2 {
let lower_x = chunk_range[0];
let lower_z = chunk_range[1];
let upper_x = chunk_range[2];
let upper_z = chunk_range[3];
match restore_range_from_backup(world_name.as_str(), lower_x, upper_x, lower_z, upper_z, &backup_path, &server_directory) {
if let Some(upper_bound) = upper_bound {
match restore_range_from_backup(
) {
Ok(count) => println!("Restored {} chunks!", count),
Err(e) => println!("Error restoring backup: {:?}", e),
else if chunk_range.len() == 2 {
let x = chunk_range[0];
let z = chunk_range[1];
match restore_chunk_from_backup(world_name.as_str(), x, z, &backup_path, &server_directory) {
} else {
match restore_chunk_from_backup(
) {
Ok(_) => println!("Restored chunk!"),
Err(e) => println!("Error restoring backup: {:?}", e),

View File

@ -1,45 +1,64 @@
use anvil_region::AnvilChunkProvider;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use crate::backup::uncompress_backup;
use crate::chunk_coordinate::ChunkCoordinate;
use anvil_region::AnvilChunkProvider;
use std::error;
use std::fs::remove_dir_all;
use std::path::PathBuf;
struct ChunkAccess {
/// Struct for manipulating a world from a backup
struct RestoreAccess {
/// Chunk source
src_path: PathBuf,
/// Chunk destination
dest_path: PathBuf,
impl ChunkAccess {
pub fn new(world_name: &str, src_path: &PathBuf, dest_path: &PathBuf) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
impl RestoreAccess {
/// Create new RestoreAccess
pub fn new(
world_name: &str,
src_path: &PathBuf,
dest_path: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<Self, std::io::Error> {
let src_path = uncompress_backup(src_path)?.join(world_name).join("region");
let dest_path= dest_path.join("region");
let dest_path = dest_path.join(world_name).join("region");
Ok(ChunkAccess {
Ok(RestoreAccess {
pub fn copy_chunk(&self, x:i32, z:i32) {
/// Copy chunk from source to desination
pub fn copy_chunk(&self, x: i32, z: i32) {
let src_provider = AnvilChunkProvider::new(self.src_path.to_str().unwrap());
let dest_provider = AnvilChunkProvider::new(self.dest_path.to_str().unwrap());
let chunk = src_provider.load_chunk(x, z).expect("Unable to load chunk");
dest_provider.save_chunk(x, z, chunk).expect("Unable to save chunk");
.save_chunk(x, z, chunk)
.expect("Unable to save chunk");
/// Cleanup process
pub fn cleanup(self) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
pub fn restore_range_from_backup(world_name: &str, lower_x: i32, upper_x: i32, lower_z: i32, upper_z: i32, backup_path: &PathBuf, minecraft_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<u64, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let chunk_access = ChunkAccess::new(world_name, backup_path, minecraft_dir)?;
/// Restore a range of chunks from a backup
pub fn restore_range_from_backup(
world_name: &str,
lower: ChunkCoordinate,
upper: ChunkCoordinate,
backup_path: &PathBuf,
minecraft_dir: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<u64, Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let chunk_access = RestoreAccess::new(world_name, backup_path, minecraft_dir)?;
let mut count = 0;
for x in lower_x..upper_x {
for z in lower_z..upper_z {
for x in lower.x..=upper.x {
for z in lower.z..=upper.z {
chunk_access.copy_chunk(x, z);
count += 1;
@ -49,9 +68,15 @@ pub fn restore_range_from_backup(world_name: &str, lower_x: i32, upper_x: i32, l
pub fn restore_chunk_from_backup(world_name: &str, x: i32, z: i32, backup_path: &PathBuf, minecraft_dir: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let chunk_access = ChunkAccess::new(world_name, backup_path, minecraft_dir)?;
chunk_access.copy_chunk(x, z);
/// Restore a single chunk from a backup
pub fn restore_chunk_from_backup(
world_name: &str,
chunk: ChunkCoordinate,
backup_path: &PathBuf,
minecraft_dir: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn error::Error>> {
let chunk_access = RestoreAccess::new(world_name, backup_path, minecraft_dir)?;
chunk_access.copy_chunk(chunk.x, chunk.z);