# MakeMe needs the UUID of each player who can run it, since it can't rely on a permission node # Make sure all UUID are in dash format makeme: uuids: - 'uuid1' - 'uuid2' - 'etc' # Can either be PermissionsEX or LuckPerms engine: 'LuckPerms' # A list of commands to send to Discord if anyone uses them audit: enabled: true webhook: '' commands: - tp - teleport - mute - unban # TPS alert # Set to 0 to cancel tps: threshold: 12 webhook: '' # The range after which a player will be marked as "outside the border" worldinfo: world: 5000 world_nether: 500 world_the_end: 10000 # To disable, set minutes to 0 schedule: frequency: 60 # In minutes commands: - 'save-all' # To disable, set minutes to 0 reminders: frequency: 5 # In minutes color: '&a' messages: - 'Check out the Discord!' # A list of links for link command aliases, separated by a comma between name and URL links: - 'Discord,https://discord.gg/invite' server-list: # Set max to 0 to disable max: 0 motd: '' favicon: 'qol.png' disable-fire: lava: false flint_and_steel: false spread: false lightning: false fireball: false ender_crystal: false explosion: false