use async_trait::async_trait; use reqwest::Method; use serenity::builder::CreateApplicationCommand; use serenity::model::interactions::application_command::{ ApplicationCommandInteraction, ApplicationCommandOptionType, }; use geoffrey_models::models::locations::Location; use geoffrey_models::models::parameters::find_params::FindParams; use crate::bot::arg_parse::option_to_string; use crate::bot::commands::BotCommand; use crate::bot::formatters::GeoffreyFormatter; use crate::context::GeoffreyContext; use crate::error::BotError; pub struct FindCommand; #[async_trait] impl BotCommand for FindCommand { type ApiParams = FindParams; type ApiResp = Vec; fn command_name() -> String { "find".to_string() } fn request_type() -> Method { Method::GET } fn create_app_command(command: &mut CreateApplicationCommand) -> &mut CreateApplicationCommand { command .name(Self::command_name()) .description("Find a location in Geoffrey.") .create_option(|option| { option .name("query") .description("The location name or player to lookup") .kind(ApplicationCommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) } async fn process_arguments( command_interaction: ApplicationCommandInteraction, ) -> Result { let options =; let query = option_to_string(options.get(0), "query")?; Ok(FindParams::new(query)) } fn build_response( ctx: &GeoffreyContext, resp: Self::ApiResp, params: Self::ApiParams, ) -> String { if resp.is_empty() { "No locations match that query. Try better next time, ding dong".to_string() } else { let mut formatter = GeoffreyFormatter::new(ctx.settings.clone()); formatter .push("The following locations match '") .push(¶ms.query) .push("':") .push_new_line(); for loc in &resp { formatter.push_loc(loc).push_new_line(); } } } }