use std::fmt::Write; use std::str::FromStr; use async_trait::async_trait; use reqwest::Method; use serenity::client::Context; use serenity::model::interactions::application_command::{ ApplicationCommand, ApplicationCommandInteraction, ApplicationCommandOptionType, }; use serenity::model::prelude::application_command::ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionValue; use geoffrey_models::models::parameters::selling_params::{ItemSort, Order, SellingParams}; use geoffrey_models::models::response::selling_listing::SellingListing; use crate::bot::commands::{BotCommand, CommandError}; pub struct SellingCommand; #[async_trait] impl BotCommand for SellingCommand { type ApiParams = SellingParams; type ApiResp = Vec; fn command_name() -> String { "selling".to_string() } fn request_type() -> Method { Method::GET } async fn create_app_command(ctx: &Context) -> Result { let command = ApplicationCommand::create_global_application_command(&ctx.http, |command| { command .name(Self::command_name()) .description("Find items for sale.") .create_option(|option| { option .name("query") .description("Item to find") .kind(ApplicationCommandOptionType::String) .required(true) }) .create_option(|option| { option .name("sort") .description("How to sort items") .kind(ApplicationCommandOptionType::String) .add_string_choice(ItemSort::Price, ItemSort::Price) .add_string_choice(ItemSort::Restock, ItemSort::Restock) .required(false) }) .create_option(|option| { option .name("order") .description("Order of the item Search") .kind(ApplicationCommandOptionType::String) .add_string_choice(Order::Low, Order::Low) .add_string_choice(Order::High, Order::High) .required(false) }) }) .await?; Ok(command) } async fn process_arguments( command_interaction: ApplicationCommandInteraction, ) -> Result { let options =; let mut query = String::new(); let mut sort = None; let mut order = None; if let Some(option) = options.get(0) { let option = option.resolved.as_ref(); if let Some(ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionValue::String(s)) = option { query = s.clone(); } else { return Err(CommandError::ArgumentParse("query".to_string())); } } if let Some(option) = options.get(1) { let option = option.resolved.as_ref(); if let Some(ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionValue::String(s)) = option { sort = Some(ItemSort::from_str(s).unwrap()); } else { return Err(CommandError::ArgumentParse("sort".to_string())); } } if let Some(option) = options.get(2) { let option = option.resolved.as_ref(); if let Some(ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOptionValue::String(s)) = option { order = Some(Order::from_str(s).unwrap()); } else { return Err(CommandError::ArgumentParse("order".to_string())); } } Ok(SellingParams::new(query, sort, order)) } fn build_response(resp: Self::ApiResp) -> String { if resp.is_empty() { "No shops were found selling that, maybe I should start selling it...".to_string() } else { let mut resp_str = String::new(); writeln!(resp_str, "The items match:").unwrap(); for item in resp { writeln!( resp_str, "**{}**, {}D for {}: {} {}",, item.listing.count_per_price, item.listing.count_per_price, item.shop_name, item.shop_loc ) .unwrap(); } resp_str } } }