
272 lines
9.5 KiB

from discord.ext import commands
from DatabaseModels import *
from BotErrors import *
from MinecraftAccountInfoGrabber import *
import configparser
import sqlite3
#from WebInterface import *
TOKEN = ''
command_prefix = '?'
description = '''
Geoffrey started his life as inside joke none of you will understand.
At some point, she was to become an airhorn bot. Now, they know where your bases/shops are.
Please respect Geoffrey, the bot is very sensitive.
bad_error_message = 'OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The admins at our ' \
'headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this! (Error in command {}: {})'
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=command_prefix, description=description, case_insensitive=True)
# Bot Commands ******************************************************************'
async def on_ready():
print('Username: ' +
print('ID: ' +
async def on_command_error(error, ctx):
if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
error_str = 'Command not found, ding dongs like you can use ?help to see all the commands this bot can do.'
elif isinstance(error, commands.UserInputError):
error_str = 'Invalid syntax for {} you ding dong, please read ?help {}.'\
.format(ctx.invoked_with, ctx.invoked_with)
elif isinstance(error.original, UsernameLookupFailed):
error_str = error.original.__doc__
elif isinstance(error.original, OverflowError):
error_str = 'Wow buddy, that\'s a big number. Please don\'t do that.'
elif isinstance(error.original, sqlite3.IntegrityError):
error_str = 'Off, the fuck did you do? Try the command again but be less of a ding dong with it.'
error_str = bad_error_message.format(ctx.invoked_with, error)
await bot.send_message(, error_str)
async def test():
Checks if the bot is alive.
await bot.say('I\'m here you ding dong')
async def addbase(ctx, name: str, x_pos: int, y_pos: int, z_pos: int, * args):
Add your base to the database.
The tunnel address is optional.
The default dimension is the overworld. Valid options: overworld, nether, end
?addbase [Base Name] [X Coordinate] [Y Coordinate] [Z Coordinate] [Tunnel Color] [Tunnel Position] [Side] [Dimension]
player_name = get_nickname(
base = database.add_location(player_name, name, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, args)
except LocationInitError:
raise commands.UserInputError
await bot.say('{}, your base named **{}** located at {} has been added.'
' to the database.'.format(,, base.pos_to_str()))
async def addshop(ctx, name: str, x_pos: int, y_pos: int, z_pos: int, * args):
Adds a shop to the database.
The tunnel address is optional.
The default dimension is the overworld. Valid options: overworld, nether, end
?addbase [Base Name] [X Coordinate] [Y Coordinate] [Z Coordinate] [Tunnel Color] [Tunnel Position] [Side] {Dimension]
player_name = get_nickname(
base = database.add_shop(player_name, name, x_pos, y_pos, z_pos, args)
except LocationInitError:
raise commands.UserInputError
await bot.say('{}, your shop named **{}** located at {} has been added.'
' to the database.'.format(,, base.pos_to_str()))
async def find(ctx, name: str):
Finds all the locations a player has in the database.
?find [Player name]
loc_list = database.find_location_by_owner(name)
loc_string = loc_list_to_string(loc_list, '{} \n{}')
await bot.say('{}, **{}** has **{}** locations(s): \n {}'.format(, name, len(loc_list),
except PlayerNotFound:
await bot.say('{}, the player **{}** is not in the database'.format(, name))
async def delete(ctx, name: str):
Deletes a location from the database.
?delete [Location name]
player_name = get_nickname(
database.delete_base(player_name, name)
await bot.say('{}, your location named **{}** has been deleted.'.format(, name))
except (DeleteEntryError, PlayerNotFound):
await bot.say('{}, you do not have a location named **{}**.'.format(, name))
async def findaround(ctx, x_pos: int, z_pos: int, * args):
Finds all the locations around a certain point that are registered in the database
The Radius argument defaults to 200 blocks if no value is given
?findbasearound [X Coordinate] [Z Coordinate] [Radius]
radius = 200
if len(args) > 0:
radius = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
raise commands.UserInputError
base_list = database.find_location_around(x_pos, z_pos, radius)
if len(base_list) != 0:
base_string = loc_list_to_string(base_list, '{} \n{}')
await bot.say('{}, there are {} locations(s) within {} blocks of that point: \n {}'.format(, len(base_list), radius, base_string))
await bot.say('{}, there are no locations within {} blocks of that point'
.format(, radius))
async def additem(ctx, shop_name: str, item_name: str, amount: int, diamond_price: int):
Adds an item to a shop's inventory. Amount for diamond price.
?additem [Shop name] [Item Name] [Amount] [Price]
player_name = get_nickname(
database.add_item(player_name, shop_name, item_name, diamond_price, amount)
await bot.say('{}, **{}** has been added to the inventory of **{}**.'.format(,
item_name, shop_name))
except PlayerNotFound:
await bot.say('{}, you don\'t have any shops in the database.'.format(
except LocationLookUpError:
await bot.say('{}, you don\'t have any shops named **{}** in the database.'.format(,
async def selling(ctx, item_name: str):
Lists all the shops selling an item
?selling [item]
shop_list = database.find_shop_selling_item(item_name)
shop_list_str = loc_list_to_string(shop_list)
await bot.say('The following shops sell {}: \n {}'.format(item_name, shop_list_str))
async def shopinfo(ctx, shop_name: str):
Lists the information and inventory of a shop
?shopinfo [Shop Name]
shop = database.find_shop_by_name(shop_name)[0]
inv_list = database.get_shop_inventory(shop)
item_list = ''
for item in inv_list:
item_list = item_list + '{}\n'.format(item.__str__())
await bot.say('{} \n Inventory:\n {}'.format(shop.__str__(), item_list))
# Helper Functions ************************************************************
def get_nickname(discord_user):
if discord_user.nick is None:
name = discord_user.display_name
name = discord_user.nick
if name == ' ꙩ ⃤':
name = 'aeskdar'
return name
def loc_list_to_string(loc_list, str_format='{}\n{}'):
loc_string = ''
for loc in loc_list:
loc_string = str_format.format(loc_string, loc)
return loc_string
def create_config():
config['Discord'] = {'Token': ''}
config['SQL'] = {'Dialect+Driver': 'test', 'username': '', 'password':'', 'host': '', 'port': '', 'database':''}
with open('GeoffreyConfig.ini', 'w') as configfile:
def get_engine_arg(config):
driver = config['SQL']['Dialect+Driver']
username = config['SQL']['username']
password = config['SQL']['password']
host = config['SQL']['host']
port = config['SQL']['port']
database_name = config['SQL']['database']
engine_args = '{}://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'
return engine_args.format(driver, username, password, host, port, database_name)
# Bot Startup ******************************************************************
config = configparser.ConfigParser()'GeoffreyConfig.ini')
if len(config.sections()) == 0:
print("GeoffreyConfig.ini generated.")
TOKEN = config['Discord']['Token']
if config['SQL']['dialect+driver'] == 'Test':
engine_arg = 'sqlite:///temp.db'
engine_arg = get_engine_arg(config)
database = GeoffreyDatabase(engine_arg)
#WebInterface('', 8081, database)