from discord.ext import commands from geoffrey.BotErrors import * from geoffrey.DiscordHelperFunctions import * class Edit_Commands: """ Commands for editing your stuff in Geoffrey. """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command(pass_context=True) @commands.cooldown(5, 60, commands.BucketType.user) async def edit_pos(self, ctx, x_pos: int, y_pos: int, *args): """ Edits the position of a location ?edit_pos [X Coordinate] [Z Coordinate] [Location Name] """ loc = get_name(args) try: loc_str =, y_pos, loc, await ctx.send( '{}, the following location has been updated: \n\n{}'.format(, loc_str)) except LocationLookUpError: await ctx.send('{}, you do not have a location called **{}**.'.format(, loc)) @commands.command(pass_context=True) @commands.cooldown(5, 60, commands.BucketType.user) async def edit_tunnel(self, ctx, tunnel_direction: str, tunnel_number: int, *args): """ Edits the tunnel of a location Directions: North South East West ?edit_tunnel [Tunnel Direction] [Tunnel Number] [Location Name] """ loc = get_name(args) try: loc_str =, tunnel_number, loc, await ctx.send( '{}, the following location has been updated: \n\n{}'.format(, loc_str)) except LocationLookUpError: await ctx.send('{}, you do not have a location called **{}**.'.format(, loc)) except InvalidTunnelError: await ctx.send( '{}, **{}** is an invalid tunnel direction.'.format(, tunnel_direction)) @commands.command(pass_context=True) @commands.cooldown(5, 60, commands.BucketType.user) async def edit_name(self, ctx, new_name: str, current_name: str): """ Edits the name of a location IF A NAME HAS SPACES IN IT YOU NEED TO WRAP IT IN QUOTATION MARKS. eg. "Cool Shop 123" ?edit_name [New Name] [Current Name] """ try: loc_str =, current_name, await ctx.send( '{}, the following location has been updated: \n\n{}'.format(, loc_str)) except LocationLookUpError: await ctx.send('{}, you do not have a location called **{}**.'.format(, current_name)) def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(Edit_Commands(bot))